Club Handbook

What is a Club and how do I start one?

Clubs are student organizations that are formed to develop students’ interests and provide community on campus and beyond.

Requirements for Clubs to officially organize:

  • Have a full-time faculty advisor.
  • Include at least five Clovis Community College students.
  • Have a Constitution on file with Student Activities.
  • Hold meetings regularly (at least one club advisor must be present).
  • Attend Inter-Club Council Meetings.

Please consult with Student Activities (AC1-160) or email ASG Advisor Maricarmen Figueroa if you have questions or are struggling to meet these requirements.

Campus Posting Guidelines

Active vs Inactive Clubs

Active Clubs

Active Clubs are clubs that are currently meeting, have a current advisor and attend I.C.C. Meetings.

Active Clubs will need to turn in (to Student Activities) the following paperwork:

  • Advisor Acceptance Form (once per year)
  • List of Club Members (once per semester)

Please visit our website for these documents:

Please email if you have trouble accessing or have questions.

Inactive Clubs

Inactive Clubs have a constitution and have been active in the past. They can become active by turning in the documentation above.

Inter-Club Council


The Inter-Club Council is a meeting/forum for each of the clubs to communicate/collaborate with other clubs on campus, as well as the ASG and Student Activities.

I.C.C. meetings are to take place no less than twice per month and will be chaired by the I.C.C. President (a member of the ASG). Clubs may bring up topics of concern, propose an event, etc. at this meeting. Each club is required to send a representative to this meeting (the representative can be a student or advisor). Meeting days, and times will be set by the ASG in consultation with Student Activities.

Failure to attend I.C.C. Meetings will result in the suspension of all club activities. According to the A.S.G. Bylaws:

  • 2.4.2 Any club without a representative present at two (2) consecutive meetings of the ICC will automatically be subject to a written warning from the Chair of the ICC. Absence from three (3) consecutive meetings per semester or a total of four (4) meetings per semester will result in the club automatically being placed on probation. Absence from six (6) meetings may result in suspension.
  • The suspension of a club or student organization that violates the provisions of these Bylaws may be lifted by a complex majority vote of the present eligible members of the Student Senate.

For questions, or if a club is having difficulty attending, contact

Setting up an Event

When setting up a club event, the club should consult with Student Activities. The club should go through these processes:

  • Talk about the event in your meeting and agree as a club to hold the event.
  • Get the approval of your advisor.
  • Consult Student Activities to make sure the event is feasible.
  • Submit a Facilities request for the event through the Student Activities Office.
  • See financial processes (last section) if purchasing items for the event.
  • Clubs are responsible to staff the event at all times. Clubs are also responsible for ensuring that all materials are taken down after the event.

At the end of the event, debrief amongst your club and determine what worked and what did not.


Financial Processes for Student Organizations

Before the Fundraiser

  1. Discuss potential fundraising events/activities during a general club meeting at least a month in advance of the planned activity. Club members must vote on and pass the motion to hold a fundraiser. Record of voting to be documented in the club’s meeting minutes.
  2. Contact the ASG Vice President in order to have your fundraiser to be placed on the ASG agenda. Attend the ASG meeting in which the approval of your fundraiser will be voted on. The ASG minutes in which the fundraiser was approved must be submitted with the fundraising event request form!
  3. Obtain a Fundraising Event Request Form and Revenue Recap/Potential form from The Student Activities Office or the Business Services Office.
  4. Attach the following documentation to The Fundraising Event Request form:
    1. Copy of Revenue Recap/Potential Form
    2. Copy of club meeting minutes and ASG minutes
    3. Copy of facility use permit (if the event is being held on campus)
    4. Itemized list of what is being sold and the price it’s being sold for
  5. Submit the Fundraising Event Request to The Student Activities Office: Required signatures
    1. Club Advisor
    2. Dean of Students/Instruction
    3. Vice President of Admin Services
  6. Make photocopies of signed documentation for your records. Student Activities will submit the approved Fundraising Request to Business Office.
  7. Request petty cash or money for supplies if needed (see Activities Office).

Completed fundraising event requests must be received by the business office 30 days in advanced

Day of the Fundraiser

  1. Pick up the cash box in the Business Services Office
  2. Record how much is sold of each item that the club is selling on the Fundraising Sales Record Form/Talley Sheet

After the Fundraiser

  1. Record on the white copy of the Revenue Recap/Potential form any monies received.
  2. If totals at end of the fundraiser are recorded as a loss (no money was made or less money was made than originally projected), make note of why (i.e.-sodas sold at 50% off at the end of the fundraiser, not all product was sold, the club will keep for a future fundraiser, etc).
  3. Make a copy of the Fundraising Sales Record/Talley sheet form for your records and attach the original to the Revenue Recap/Potential form.
  4. Deposit all money immediately at Admissions and Records. If the fundraiser is taking place outside of regular business hours (8:00 am-5:00 pm), monies should be taken to the office of the Evening Coordinator (Maya Davis) prior to leaving campus. They keep the white copy, you will keep the yellow copy for your records.

All food fundraisers must follow Fresno County health rules and regulations and must be approved by the Crush Cafe

General Cash Handling Checklist

  1. All district or student body fundraisers must have prior approval from the Administration and Associated Student Government.
  2. Cash or checks collected from fundraisers, book sales, or any other school-related activity must not be deposited into personal checking accounts. All funds must be promptly deposited into the campus safe pending preparation of the deposit into the club account.
  3. The fund must remain on district property.
  4. Raffles, lotteries, or games of chance are in violation of Penal Code 326.5.
  5. It is necessary to notify the ASG and the ASG advisor when donations are made to a club or the campus by any entity.
  6. All requests for reimbursement of expenses must be accompanied by an original receipt.
  7. All club purchases must have prior authorization by the ASG, advisor, and Dean of Students.
  8. Outside organization funds should not be held on the campus site or any district property.
  9. Outside organizations are responsible for collecting and depositing any funds related to their sponsored events. ASG personnel should not do bookkeeping or act as an office for outside organizations.
  10. Whenever money changes hands, a receipt must be given (in the case of a sale, the exchange must be recorded on a tally sheet).

Procedures for obtaining a check or refund request

The general procedure for obtaining a check or refund payment is as follows:

  1. Approve the expenditure in a club meeting first.
  2. Submit a request for a Purchase order with the following documentation:
    1. Minutes in which the club approved the expenditure
    2. A quote for the product being purchased.
    3. Once a purchase order number is created, receive goods and turn in receipts to the Business Office (or Activities)
  3. To submit a Reimbursement submit:
    1. Check Request
    2. Attach minutes in which the expenditure was approved by the club (BEFORE purchase)
    3. Itemized Receipts

    Any Questions? Contact ASG Advisor Maricarmen Figueroa at

    The provisions in this Handbook are subject to change at the discretion of Student Activities.