Exciting news! For the 6th consecutive year, Clovis Community College has been named a 2023 Champion of Higher Education for our exemplary work in implementing the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)! Clovis Community College is being recognized as a top performer in the following category:
Best Accredited Colleges creates their guides and school rankings with student education in mind and considered hundreds of institutions across the country and ranked Clovis Community College using data around financial aid awards, the quality of education, faculty, campus resources, and more. Congratulations to the faculty, staff, administrators, and students on earning two amazing rankings from the Best Accredited Colleges:
#21 on our list Best Associate Degrees in Psychology
#27 on our list Best Associate Degrees in Sociology
Our partnership with Carnegie Institution and Johns Hopkins University (JHU) provides student access to scientific data: The partnership with C-MOOR (the Carnegie Massive Open Online Research platform developed by Carnegie and JHU) provides biology students access to real data, analytical tools, and an opportunity to develop a research project proposal. Our goal is to lower the barrier between data science careers and first-generation college students by increasing familiarity with the scientific process and the methods used by scientists for data interpretation. We collect and analyze the data, then share our findings with other teaching institutions.
HBCUs have historically been a place for African Americans to learn, thrive, and prosper. It continues to serve that purpose for so many who attend. Although it has historically served the higher education needs of African Americans, HBCUs campuses are welcoming to ALL ethnicities, and you find many of them very diverse.
Daniel Avila was our first HBCU transfer student. Watch his amazing video about his journey from CCC to Texas Southern University.
The Leon S. Peters Honors Program offers an enhanced educational experience designed to challenge students with a specially selected curriculum. The focus of the honors curriculum is on preparation for transfer to a four-year institution. 2023 Leon S. Peters Honors Program graduates have transferred to the following prestigious universities: UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC Los Angeles, CSU Long Beach, CSU Stanislaus Nursing, UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, Rutgers University, CSU San Jose, CSU Fresno, CSU Cal Poly, CSU Chico, Arizona State University, CSU Cal Poly Pomona, UC Merced, San Diego State University, Biola University, Fresno City College Nursing Program, and Cal Baptist University.