College Planning

The planning process at Clovis Community College (CCC) is data-driven and supports the College's mission and vision. These overarching principles guide each step in the planning process.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

2021 – 2025

  1. ACCESS: Create Opportunities and Remove Barriers
    1. Build and sustain guided pathways that support seamless transition from K-12 and Adult Education to CCC for career and transfer readiness
    2. Expand academic programs and student support services to support student enrollment growth
    3. Expand equitable and flexible learning options for non-traditional learners
    4. Provide targeted, disciplined specific outreach activities to historically underserved populations
    5. Develop targeted marketing and communication to support college goals
    6. Expand access to the college campus
  2. Student-Centered Curriculum: Develop and Teach Equitable and Inspiring Curriculum
    1. Maintain focus on providing a quality education
    2. Increase student completion rates for degrees and certificates
    3. Continue to explore and support innovative ideas and projects
    4. Expand and enhance college readiness, transfer, and career options
  3. Supporting Student Success: Provide Equitable and Comprehensive Services
    1. Enhance collaboration between services and instruction
    2. Expand student services support programs to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and retention
    3. Utilize technology to expand and enhance student services
    4. Expand student activities to support student engagement and inclusion
  4. Community & Partnerships: Create, Develop, and Strengthen Relationship
    1. Enhance Community Relations
    2. Strengthen partnerships with K-12 and universities
    3. Foster relationships with local businesses
    4. Expand community presence
  5. Resources & Facilities: Expand and Enhance the Campus Environment
    1. Plan and build new college facilities supported by the Measure C Bond
    2. Plan and develop athletic facilities as outlined in the District Facilities Master Plan
    3. Maintain the beautiful college facilities as the college expands and ages
    4. Utilize technology to improve college processes and support student learning
    5. Provide adequate staffing to support increased student enrollment and expanding facilities
    6. Support professional development for all employees
    7. Maintain stable fiscal base and sound fiscal practices
    8. Generate revenue to support the goals of the college
  6. Institutional Effectiveness: Foster a Collegial, Collaborative, and Inclusive College Environment
    1. Use data to support dialogue, planning, and decision-making
    2. Continue to monitor and evaluate college planning processes to improve equity and student success
    3. Continue to foster the long-standing culture of collegiality, collaboration, and inclusion