Strategic Goals and Objectives
2021 - 2025
- ACCESS: Expand opportunities and remove access barriers
- Build and sustain transfer and CTE pathways that support a seamless transition from K-12 to Clovis Community College
- Expand flexible learning options to support student equity and non-traditional learners, including Dual Enrollment, Distance Education, and Non-credit opportunities
- Expand class offerings to support continuing student enrollment growth
- Provide targeted, effective outreach activities to high school students and returning adults
- Develop targeted marketing and communication to increase community awareness of Clovis Community College and to support specific college goals
- Participate in the Central Valley Promise to support access for all students
- TEACHING & LEARNING: Promote excellence and opportunities
- Maintain focus on providing a quality education
- Promote an inclusive teaching and learning environment
- Increase student completion rates for degrees and certificates
- Continue to explore and support innovative ideas and projects
- Expand and enhance Career Technical Education programs
- Expand Basic Skills options to support college-readiness for all students
- SUPPORTING STUDENT SUCCESS: Provide comprehensive services while promoting equity
- Continue integration of student services and instruction
- Develop support programs to promote student retention
- Utilize technology to expand and enhance student services
- Expand student services, such as tutoring, library, honors program, and athletics
- Expand student activities, such as a multicultural day event, additional student clubs, additional athletic teams, and speakers series to support student engagement and inclusion
- Develop an International Students program
- COMMUNITY & PARTNERSHIPS: Strengthen and develop external relationships
- Develop and sustain collaborative projects and partnerships with the community’s educational institutions, businesses, and civic organizations
- Align new Career Technical Education programs with local employer needs
- Increase student internships opportunities with local businesses
- Support and participate in community events
- RESOURCES AND FACILITIES: Expand and enhance the capacity of the college
- Plan and build new college facilities supported by the Measure C Bond, including space for new CTE programs, additional classrooms and science labs, and expanded student services
- Plan and develop soccer fields as outlined in the District Facilities Master Plan
- Provide adequate staffing to support new facilities and increased student enrollment
- Utilize technology to improve college processes and support student learning
- Maintain the beautiful college grounds as the college expands
- Support professional development for all employees
- Maintain a stable financial base and sound fiscal practices
- Generate revenue to support the goals of the college
- INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: Strive for excellence in planning, governance, and communication
- Use data to support dialogue and decision-making
- Continue to monitor and adjust the college planning process to support college growth
- Develop new tools and processes to ensure effective, inclusive communication within the college and with community partners
- Continue to foster the long-standing culture of collegiality, collaboration, and innovation