The president is the highest position in the ASG. The duties vary from a wide range of things. Some of these include: chairing the executive board meetings, attending and sitting on external committees, attending the senate meetings, as well as keeping 2 office hours per week. The President acts as a bridge between the administration and the senate.
The vice president also has the same basic duties of keeping an office hour and attending external meetings. However, the vice president is responsible for creating/posting the agendas and chairing the senate meetings. On top of that, they also chair the personnel committee. In the event that the president can not perform their duty, the vice president will fill the spot until a new one is found.
The trustee attends all of the SCCCD Board of Trustees meetings and holds a vote on the committee. They will act as a liaison between the board and the senate. It is also required of them to present the senate with monthly updates on the board of trustees.
The vice president of finance works with the ASG in consultation with the president to administer a budget. They serve as the Chief Financial Officer of the ASG and will present the budget upon the ASG at the end of each semester. With that, they will work with the finance committee to create bills.
The Secretary will act as the chief organizer of documents for the ASG. One of the duties that is entailed is recording the minutes at every senate meeting as well as creating the minutes. They will record and keep track of all documents as well as update the calendar for any upcoming events.
Will chair the legislative committee. Throughout the semester they will be the liaison between the region V board and the ASG. They will plan a town hall each semester to inform students of the resolutions. They will also act as the delegate at the General Assembly and vote on the schools behalf.
The ICC acts as the liaison between the ASG and the clubs. All clubs on campus work with the ICC president to maintain their status as an active club and properly fundraiser. They will also chair all ICC meetings. This Position is a part of the president’s cabinet.
The activities commissioner is also a part of the president’s cabinet. Their duties are to work with the advisor and the ASG to coordinate activities on campus. They are also the chair to the activities committee.
The public relations coordinator is the forefront of the media presence of the ASG. They will work with everyone to spread word of activities, elections or anything prevalent to the student body. They are also the chair of the Public Relations Committee. This position is also a part of the president’s cabinet.
The senator position is arguably the most powerful position in the ASG. The senators have voting power! They are able to introduce many things like bills, motions, and projects to the ASG. Similar to the federal senate, the senators are the most powerful branch.