Long Description of Student Data Chart

The graphic features four charts displaying student data at Clovis Community College:

Student Headcount

The chart is a bar graph reflecting student headcount over a 5 year period beginning 2013 - 14 and ending with 2017-18. The student headcount for the five academic years is as follows:

  • 2013-14: 8,022 students
  • 2014-15: 9,020 students
  • 2015-16: 9,747 students
  • 2016-17: 10,464 students
  • 2017-18: 11,657 students

The bar graph reflects a rise in student attendance over the last 5 years.

Student Ethnicity Breakdown

The pie chart demonstrates the student ethnicity breakdown at CCC. 3% of students are African-American, 1% American Indian/Alaskan, 10% Asian, 36% Caucasian, 43% Latinx, and Multi-Ethnicity students make up 8% of students at CCC.

Students by Age

The pie chart depicting Students by Age indicates that students younger than 25 make up 72% of the student population, those between 25 and 39 make up 23% of the student population, and 5% are students 40 years and older.

Student Unit Load

A comparison graph titled Student Unit Load is comparing full-time enrollment unit load with part-time enrollment unit load. 41% of students have a full-time enrollment load, while 59% of students have a part-time enrollment load.