Privately Funded Institutional Scholarships |
Apply annually by deadlines - check with your college |
Scholarship or Financial Aid Offices |
Helps pay for education-related expenses |
Institutional application(s). CCC Scholarship Application |
California College Promise Grant |
Apply now |
Financial Aid Office |
Waives community college enrollment fees for eligible students |
California Dream Act Application* or CA College Promise Form |
Assistance from CalWORKs |
Apply now |
CalWORKs Offices |
Varies; may include services such as tutoring, book vouchers or other types of financial aid for those who meet specific eligibility requirements |
Institutional application(s) |
California Community College Entitlement Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B |
October 1 -September 2, for the Fall term |
Financial Aid Office or California Student Aid Commission |
Grant award covering tuition and education-related expenses for eligible students transferring to a baccalaureate degree granting institution |
California Dream Act Application* and GPA Verification Form** |
HS Entitlement Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B |
October 1 - March 2, for the following Fall term |
Financial Aid Office or California Student Aid Commission |
Grant award covering education-related expenses for eligible recent high school graduates |
California Dream Act Application* and GPA Verification Form** |
Cal Grant C |
October 1 - March 2, for the following Fall term (number of awards are limited) |
Financial Aid Office or California Student Aid Commission |
Grant award covering education-related expenses for eligible students in occupational or career technical programs |
California Dream Act Application* and Cal Grant C Supplemental Application and GPA Verification Form** |
Chafee Grant |
Apply as soon as possible each year (applications typically open in October; number of awards are limited) |
Financial Aid Office or California Student Aid Commission |
Grant award covering education-related expenses for eligible foster youth |
California Dream Act Application* and Chafee Grant Application |