Liberal Studies

Why Study Liberal Studies at CCC

Liberal Studies is a field that incorporates many subject areas in both the social sciences and the humanities. Becoming a student of liberal studies at Clovis Community College will give you a broad perspective on art, culture, and social and political issues. With a degree in liberal studies, you may pursue a career in teaching, or complement your studies in various departments of the social sciences or humanities.

Our Philosophy

We try to provide our students with an appreciation of cultural and artistic expression and an awareness of and a sensitivity to social issues. We aim to help students develop the ability to think critically and communicate effectively.

Courses and Programs

Within the discipline of liberal studies, courses are drawn from several different subject areas.

Liberal Studies Degree and Certificate Programs:

Program Type Major Code
Liberal Studies AA C.5890.AA

Careers Opportunities

A degree in liberal studies will prepare students to pursue a career in teaching or to complement their studies in various departments of the social sciences or humanities. 

Liberal Studies Contacts

Name Discipline E-mail
Rachel Moring-Garcia Counselor
Jon McPhee Department Chair, Geography Instructor


Fresno State

California State University, Fresno

We work closely with faculty at California State University, Fresno

Fresno State Liberal Studies