Report to the Board of Trustees: September, 2017
Clovis Community College continues to work on finalizing the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report for the upcoming site visit March 5-8, 2018. Kelly Fowler, Leslie King, and Jennifer Simonson, the accreditation steering committee tri-chairs, will be leading discussions about the accreditation process during the fall to ensure that everyone is prepared for the comprehensive visit next March.
College Governance Handbook Update
A subcommittee of the College Council, representing students, faculty, classifi ed staff, and administration, updated the Governance Handbook. The group reviewed the current committee structure and discussed additions and changes to better support our growing college. This draft was presented to the college community at the Fall 2017 Opening Day Meeting on August 10. Next, it was discussed at the August 25 College Council meeting which started the constituent review process.
Students view solar eclipse
Hundreds of students gathered to view the solar eclipse on August 21. The Fresno Astronomy club brought out a telescope and CCC physics instructor Dr. Jennifer Myer provided solar viewing glasses so students could safely view the solar eclipse.
Over 400 students attended “Crush Days” (New Student Welcome) on August 9 and 10
Three sessions were held, including an evening session. New students had the opportunity to:
- Meet with faculty, counselors, staff, and students
- Strategize for immediate college success
- Get acquainted with the campus and the classrooms
- Get connected with on-campus technology
- Attend a parent session with Dr. Lori Bennett
- Learn about the Disabled Student Programs & Services, EOPS, TRiO, and other programs
Mr. Delatorro L. McNeal II served as the guest speaker and shared various tips on how students can be successful and reach their educational goals.
Students join clubs at annual Club Rush on August 29
Students attended the Club Rush event held at the main campus on August 29. Students were excited to learn more about the diverse clubs and how they can get involved, make new friends, and help the community. Another Club Rush event will be held at the Herndon Campus on September 6.
Worthy students to be awarded scholarships at the annual Scholarship Ceremony on Friday, September 22
The annual Scholarship Awards and Reception will be held on Friday, September 22, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the CCC library. A total of 55 scholarships will be awarded to CCC students totaling $37,500. In addition, ten students from the Leon S. Peters Honors Scholarship program will each be awarded a $1000.00 scholarship
CCC instructors selected to present at conferences
Tracy Stuntz, instructional designer, recently presented a recap of the Faculty Gallery Walk held last fall at the “Online Learning Consortium Innovate” Conference in Orlando, Florida. The session focused on helping other campuses hold a similar event in their quest to successfully adopt a new Learning Management System. Tracy shared CCC’s experiences and offered resources used to implement a successful Gallery Walk. The conference is devoted to driving quality online learning, advancing best practice guidance, and accelerating innovation in learning for academic leaders, educators, administrators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world. Tracy Stunz along with CCC instructors Teresa Ishigaki, Von Torres and Jeff Burdick also presented at the “SCCCD Tech Conference” recently held at Bitwise in Downtown Fresno. The conference focused on open educational resources and accessibility.
The late Molly Griffi n honored and remembered through various “Random Acts of Kindness” events
On February 21, 2015, former Clovis Community College student Molly Griffi n was tragically killed by a drunk driver at the young age of 23. Molly, who was a nurse, was an incredible young woman who had a passion for doing random acts of kindness. Molly was born on August 26th which is why CCC has selected that day to spread kindness throughout the community. The week-long Molly Day events started on August 21 and included a book drive, writing love notes to military members, and a blood drive.
In addition, the Health Services department initiated the “Caring Heart” award and this year’s recipient is Cathy Ostos, for recognizing and assisting a coworker in need. Many participated in “Molly Day” on Saturday, August 26 and performed Random Acts of Kindness and posted them on social media using the hashtag #LiveLikeMolly.
Friendly faces offer help to new and returning students during "Welcome Week"
During the first week, various informational tables were set up throughout campus to provide a wide array of services to new and returning students. Table locations included AC1, AC2, Computer Lab, Student Center, and the Herndon Campus. ASG students, student ambassadors, and staff answered questions from students, distributed water, and printed class schedules throughout the week.
Welcome reception held for students of the Leon S. Peters Honors Program
A reception was held on August 10, to welcome the new honors program cohort. Students had the opportunity to meet the honors faculty and learn about the requirements of the program. There are a total of 150 students in the Honors program, which includes 68 new students for the Fall 2017 semester.
CCC awarded funds from the SCCC Foundation 2017-2018 Campus Needs Fund
The college received great news in time for the fall semester. The funds will be used to purchase outdoor play sets and water tables for the child development center, new outdoor benches, and various power tables with cell charging stations for the the library, computer lab, and student activities center.
CTE Update
The Wastewater Treatment Operator Certificate program started on August 15 with a full class of 24 students. The Hmong Healthcare Interpreting course will start on Saturday, September 9. Planning for future CTE programs is off to a successful start. A Mechatronics advisory meeting was held on August 8, with over 30 businesses attending representing the robotics, advanced manufacturing, and large-scale mechanized production industries. Another advisory meeting will be held on September 19 to seek input for the Occupational Therapy Assistant program.
Upcoming Events
- Herndon Campus Club Rush (September 6)
- Patriot Day (September 11)
- Mexican Independence Day Celebration (September 14)
- College Planning Retreat (September 15)
- Constitution Day Celebration (September 18)
- Race Relations presentation by Dr. Veronica Neal (September 20)
- Scholarship Ceremony, 6 p.m. (September 22
- Transfer Day, 10 a.m. (October 2
- Rocktoberfest, 10 a.m. (October 10
- Harvest Fest, 10 a.m. (October 31
- Ribbon Cutting for the Veterans Resource Ctr., 3 p.m. (November 9)
Home Soccer Games at CCC
9/6 at 5 p.m., 9/8 at 4 p.m., 9/22 at 4 p.m., 9/29 at 4 p.m., 10/5 at 4 p.m., 10/10 at 2 p.m., 10/14 at 2 p.m., 10/20 at 2 p.m., 10/27 at 3 p.m., 11/10 at 3 p.m.
9/12 at 4 p.m., 9/19 at 4 p.m., 10/6 at 4 p.m., 10/10 at 4 p.m., 10/17 at 4 p.m., 10/20 at 4 p.m., 10/24 at 3 p.m., 10/27 at 1 p.m., 10/31 at 3 p.m.
Dates subject to change, please check the website