Week of March 17, 2025

Good morning, colleagues.

Academic Senate

I had the opportunity last week to sit in on an Academic Senate meeting. My calendar has prevented regular attendance, but I have always appreciated opportunities to sit in, listen, and learn from those willing to share their perspectives. As an Academic Senate President years ago, I invited guests regularly to assure discussions were being heard; as an administrator, I take the chance when I can to attend and listen. I have found these opportunities to be invaluable for my own learning and work.

At this meeting, I listened with interest on the topic of CBE. The views did not surprise me: some are interested in exploring this option; plenty more are not. I respect both perspectives. Each discipline will decide how best to attain the goals of their program and how best to serve their students. The paths forward will vary; we just need to assure that there are paths forward and that we do not remain stagnant. As long as we continue to seek ways to build on our accomplishments and to look for ways to improve in support of those who are not making the same gains, then we are making progress. In this conversation surrounding progress for each discipline, my part is to find ways to open doors and to elevate when/where needed to support the efforts. I have always operated from this premise and will continue to do so.

Thanks to the group for allowing me the chance to listen and learn, and thanks especially to those who spoke so passionately, regardless of side or position!

Strategic Plan (2025-29)

Last week, we sent out a college-wide survey email requesting participation in developing the Action Steps for our Strategic Plan (2025-2029). We value your feedback and will be taking your suggestions to College Council this Thursday where we will continue to discuss and finalize the Action Steps. As a reminder, the new Strategic Plan is still a draft and will be vetted twice by each constituency group before being approved at College Council and then forwarded to SCCCD Board of Trustees in May and June.


Monica Chahal, Ed.D. (she/her)