Office of Administrative Services Update - October 2023

I started the month of October by coming back to campus in the evening to look at our new lighting in parking lots G & H. We had some areas in those lots that were very dark at night and we asked to have two lights modified. The new lights gave us the coverage we needed so we are moving forward with a project to add this lighting to lots B and C. We will also modify the remaining light poles in lot H. After construction of AC3 is complete, we will add similar lighting to lot J. Right now J is shut down due to the construction of the new building.

I met with Darden Architects along with James Sewell, James Ortez and Monica Chahal to discuss the new athletic facility. We are preparing to start phase one of this project which will include a soccer field, track, bleachers, training room, showers, lockers, and restrooms. Currently, Darden Architects is still working on the drawings. The facility will be west of the Behymer entrance.

One of the most exciting things I did this month was arrange a tour for our president, vice presidents and deans to tour our new CTE building, AC3. The building is coming along and no further delays are expected. The target date for completion of construction is February 16. After construction is completed, punch lists will be prepared by the architects and consultants showing corrections needed. The contractor will make the corrections. Furniture and equipment will be installed. Then we are able to occupy the building. We anticipate moving into the building in late April.

I am working with the departments who will move into AC3 and also our District Purchasing Department, finalizing when to order certain pieces of equipment. Since there is not much storage on campus, we need to be strategic in placing these orders. We are in the final stages of identifying furniture and that order will be placed in December.

Monica Chahal and I met with the Darden Design representative to discuss spaces in the new building where students could design and paint murals. We identified three possible areas for these murals. We will wait until we take possession of the building to have the murals painted.

On October 13, 2023, I attended the City of Clovis Mayor’s Leadership Roundtable. We discussed a draft of the city’s vision, mission, values and goals for the next decade. Many suggestions were offered and next steps are additional review with the community, city employees and other stakeholders.

I worked with Canteen, our snack vendor, to have a cold food machine delivered so our evening and Saturday students will have food options. We expect to take delivery of the machine in November and we will purchase a microwave oven so that items can be heated up.

I am also working with Fresno Street Eats to get coffee trucks on campus for our evening students. During the Student Town Hall, earlier this semester, the students requested coffee in the evening.

Earlier this month, Sergio Salinas, Sandra Aguilera, Angel Magdaleno and I received training from Public Surplus, an online auction company, so we can sell items we no longer use that still have value. We are able to set the price, the length of the auction and indicate payment instructions. Our first items for auction are going to the Board of Trustees for approval at the November 7 meeting.

In November, one of my projects is to work on emergency training. If you have any ideas, please let me know.

Lorrie Nichols Hopper
Vice President of Administrative Services