Office of Administrative Services Update - December 2024

Update from Interim Vice President, Kim Duong

I hope everyone had a wonderfully restful winter break! December's activities provided a perfect conclusion to the Fall semester.

In the first week of the month, I attended Margee’s retirement reception, where we bid her a fond farewell as she embarks on her retirement journey. Later that week, I attended the districtwide management meeting.

During the second week, which was finals week, I volunteered for the first time at the free dinner for students. It was heartwarming to see so many students picking up meals as they prepared for or finished their finals on Tuesday evening. At the end of the week, I was grateful to share time with colleagues at the end-of-semester luncheon.

The last few days of the semester were a mix of meetings and catching up on various projects.

AC3 Winter Break Updates

Network replacements in all faculty offices were completed, and the furniture was moved back into place. Work in the classrooms and common areas is scheduled to be finished early in the week of January 6th.

The ceiling retexturing and repainting of the upstairs student study space were completed, and the furniture was moved back into place.

Heating balance work began the week before winter break, with additional testing scheduled for January 3rd.

AC1 and AC2 Audio-Video Upgrades

Planning for this project took place during the Spring 2024 semester. It involved Wi-Fi, cabling, and connection upgrades in AC1-150, AC2-102, and AC2-178, as well as the installation of new projectors and mounts for AC1-150 and AC2-102. This transition moved the equipment in these spaces from analog to digital.

The upgrade work began at the start of December and is expected to be completed early in the week of January 6th.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being back on campus this semester. It’s wonderful to see the campus filled with people again. I look forward to what the Spring semester will bring!