Office of Administrative Services Update - January 2024


The majority of the furniture for AC3 was ordered earlier this month. This includes furniture in the offices, classrooms and the common areas. The air handling units serving the south wing have been started up and that section of the building is being conditioned so doors and casework can be installed. The estimated startup of the west and north wings is mid-February. Drywall and painting throughout the entire building is ongoing. Tiling in the bathrooms is underway. The contractor is still estimating completion in April; however, network cabling and buildout of the telecom rooms is behind.

Budget Update

On January 17, I attended the ACCCA/ACBO Budget Workshop in Sacramento. The overall state budget for 2024-25 will decrease by about 6% from prior year. The 2023-24 budget is approximately $310 billion and the proposed budget for 2024-25 is approximately 291 billion. Budgeted revenue for 2022-23 came in low and 2023-24 revenues are expected to also be low. The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) projects a $68 billion shortfall from 2022-23 through 2024-25. The Governor, however, has projected the deficit to be closer to $38 billion, so his budget is addressing the lower number. The Governor is proposing the following to address the shortfall:

  • Withdrawals from reserves
  • Internal borrowing
  • Funding Delays
  • Funding Shifts
  • Deferrals (does not apply to K-14 Education)
  • Reductions

There is good news, though, for K-14. There are no mid-year cuts planned and no deferrals. The Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) will increase by the cost of living allowance (COLA) which is currently projected to be 0.76%. Growth is also funded at $29.6 million. Select categorical programs, including Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) and Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS), will receive the COLA increase.

In May 2024, a revised budget proposal will be released.

Mobile Security Cameras

Clovis Community College has set aside funds for a camera project. We will replace older cameras inside and outside the buildings and will add new cameras so we have better coverage. Phase 1 of this project will begin next month. We made a decision earlier this fiscal year to also purchase two mobile security units. These cameras can be moved to anywhere on campus that we need them. This will be helpful for areas that currently don’t have the coverage that we would like.

Stop the Bleed Training

We have scheduled Stop the Bleed training for February 22, at 3:00 pm. The training will be 1.5 hours and participants will learn to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. The class is a mixture of lecture and hands on skills. This class will be taught by our Campus Police Officers. Please contact Cathy Ostos at extension 6421 to reserve your spot.

If you have any ideas regarding future training, please let me know.

Thank you.

Lorrie Nichols Hopper
Vice President of Administrative Services