Sign Language Interpreter Request
If you would like to request an interpreter, please fill out the Interpreter Request Form.
- date of the event
- time
- location
- details such as flyers, target audience, etc.
For questions please email
Please note: We ask that you submit your request at least 2 weeks in advance. Timely requests allow us to maximize the scheduling of interpreters accordingly. Untimely requests may result in auxiliary aids, other than interpreters, to be provided for communication access. Habitual untimely requests will be reviewed by the Director of DSP&S. Events that exceed 1 hour require 2 interpreters.
Interpreting Quick Tips
- Avoid blocking access to visual information and communication
- Speak to the Deaf and hard of hearing individual directly, not the interpreter
- Allow processing time for the interpretation
- Provide class/event materials to interpreters
- Group work: consider seating placement/room layout
- Interpreters abide by a code of professional conduct
- Be aware that the interpreter must interpret everything that is said between all parties
ASL Interpretation on Sign Language Interpreter request
Need assistance?
For more information or assistance, contact the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S) office via email at or by phone at (559) 325-5050.