Career Services

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Career Exploration

Not sure what to major in? Don’t know what you want to do for a career? The CRC has summer career exploration appointments available to help:

  • Appointments are about 1½ hours in length & are conducted via Zoom
  • Career Exploration uses tools & resources such as research-based personality assessments & more
  • Appointments can be made by calling 559-325-5398 or emailing

Same-Day Career Appointments

Same day career appointments are now available & can help students with basic career/job search needs such as Career Exploration, Job Search, Resume, or Interview.

  • Appointments are 30 minutes in length
  • Appointments will be up and available each morning to schedule
  • Appointments can be made by logging on to the CRC’s webpage
Same Day Service sign

Jobspeaker: Bridging the gap between education, employment, and beyond


The CRC is happy to introduce Jobspeaker, our newest job search platform:

  • Jobspeaker helps your job search become more efficient and effective because you're able to manage the entire process, keep organized, and stay on top of new opportunities as they arise
  • You can even Job search from your phone
  • Log on today: