Dear students,
There has been a confirmed case of Measles in Fresno County. Measles is a highly contagious disease, but risk to the general public is considered low due to the high MMR vaccination rate in our community. Those at highest risk of contracting Measles are those who have not been vaccinated - this includes almost all children under the age of 1 year, although this age group does benefit from the immunity of the mother, if the mother has been vaccinated.
Out of an abundance of caution, we have the following recommendations for all Clovis Community College students and staff:
If you experience symptoms of fever and rash, stay home, and isolate yourself from others. Notify your healthcare provider and follow their instructions. If you do not have a healthcare provider, call Clovis Community College Health Services at (559) 325-5318 for more information.
For more information, visit the CDC Measles Information page.
Monica Chahal, Ed.D. (she, her)
Interim President
Clovis Community College