Over 250 students stopped by the Truth Tour booth, on Wednesday 25th September between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm, to sign a pledge for a Smoke-free campus.
Students joined in with singing and dancing activities while the following key messages were the take-away for the day:
Naomi Forey, Health Services Coordinator, spoke of her concern for young students who had taken up vaping. "JUUL, the most popular e-cigarette, owns three-quarters of the entire market share. It recently tripled it’s market share in just over one year."
Our Truth Initative Student Leaders, Lexi Tarlton and Haroon Sekhor encourage all students, faculty, and staff to participate in the National Day of Action #DitchJUUL event by visiting their Truth Initiative Booth at the Clovis Community College Rocktoberfest event on Oct. 9, 2019 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.