Clovis Community College invited guest speaker Lori Wilson to speak to students on patriotism at the 9/11 memorial ceremony held on the Clovis Campus.
“You can’t ever forget it,” said Wilson. “We can’t ever forget what happened that day and what it did for us.”
Wilson said one thing that did come out of the terrible attacks is a form of patriotism.
“You know, sometimes you hear I wish every day could be like 9/12.”
Lori Wilson is an Executive Director of the American Red Cross Central Valley - a role in which she focuses volunteer development, fundraising, relationship management, stewarding the board of directors and leading local Red Cross outreach.
Patriot Day, observed as the National Day of Service and Remembrance, occurs on September 11 each year in memory of the lives lost in the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Your Central Valley News covered the 'Numerous 9/11 events happening around the Central Valley' on Memorial Day this year.