Staying On Course April 2018
Strategy to Try
The end of the semester is in sight (well, sort of) and pretty soon students will be asking about study guides for the final examination. Students often think that the study guide will completely prepare them to remember and retain all of the information learned from the semester. Although there can be a sense of relief when a study guide is provided, research indicates that a study guide cram session is not an effective way to learn (or remember important information).
Since we have six weeks until said final examinations, why not incorporate some quick and easy summarizing activities to help students recall and connect information they learned with the upcoming information. This concept of bringing back or reviewing previously learned information is called interleaving. James Lang in his book Small Teaching states, " .. .it [interleaving] involves the process of both spacing and mixing learning activities - the spacing happening by virtue of the mixing• (68). In other words, it is good to retrieve information while learning new information at the same time. Helping students prepare for their final examinations in advance of week seventeen will yield more successful results. Here are a few activities to try (e-mail for more).
- Quiz / Quiz / Trade - Each student is provided a card with a question on one side and the answer on the other. The question card can either be prepared by students or provided by the instructor. With question cards in hand, students pair up and quiz each other. After a designated amount of time, partners trade cards, seek a new partner, and repeat quizzing with their new cards.
- Think-Write-Share- Students are given a topic/ question, they brainstorm and write a response, and then they share with a partner. The instructor can always ask students to share out whole group to make any clarifications or to expand on the topic.
- Give One-Get One- The instructor poses a topic/ question. Students number their papers 1-S. They write down three ideas or answers. Then they must talk to at least two more students to get two additional answers and to give two of theirs away.
Questions or topics can be retrieved from old exams.
I tried it!
If you try any of the structures / strategies from this newsletter, from any of the On Course workshops, or Active Learning Saturday Sessions, we want to hear about it (successes and/or struggles).
Heather Boynton, Child Development Instructor states, "I have had the opportunity to try out both "send a note" and "analytic teams" in my child development courses and they have been very successful. I found that the "analytic team" activity worked better in my three-hour night class, as the students needed a fair amount of time to read and process the article I prepared. Who knew that by simply "packaging" the content in envelopes (for "send a note"), students would be so receptive?! I am so grateful for new strategies that help increase student engagement."
Kognito Training
Have you ever worried about a student or noticed a student's behavior or attitude decline? Do you have students who are veterans? Do you have students who are LGBTQ?
If you said yes to any of the above questions then the Kognito Online Training is for you.
There are three modules for faculty and staff and three modules for students that provide insights and strategies to help faculty and staff work with these students.
To access the trainings:
- Visit
- Login or create a new account
- Launch the module of choice
- Complete each module
- Print out your certificate
Each module takes only 30-40 minutes and takes you through various scenarios where you , as the instructor, interact with the students in various scenarios. The modules area very informational, practical, and relevant. Take the time to learn about how to help support our students.
Complete the modules and upload and e-mail your certificates to ann.brandon@cloviscol by June 1st for a chance to win a $25 gift card.
Upcoming Professional Development
Active Learning Saturday Session #3 -April 28th
"Mindfulness in the Classroom"
Naomi Forey, CCC Nurse will present. 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. / AC2-276
Staying On Course in a Diverse World -Thursday, September 20th
In this 1-day workshop, participant s have the opportunity to increase their own awareness about concepts related to cultural and learning diversity through discussion and interaction, as well as to identify the conditions and strategies necessary to create relevant and engaging lessons that enable diverse students to learn well together. Participants also learn to use the On Course success principles and learner-centered instructional strategies to strengthen culturally responsive teaching skills. These principles and practices will help honor the cultural perspectives of each learner as she moves toward educational success.
This workshop is open to anyone who has completed an On Course I Workshop. Sign up here!
On Course Online - Fri/Sat., September 21-22
This workshop is geared for instructors who teach online, and hybrid classes and/or instructors who want to incorporate more online learning into existing face-to-face courses. In this active learning workshop setting, educators will explore how to strengthen the competencies of effective online learners, employ best practices in online learning, explore research on the characteristics of online learners, learn how to ensure regular, effective student contact, and strategize methods to more fully engage and motivate online learners.
Please note - these dates replace the original August dates. Sign up here!
On Course I Workshop - Thurs-Sat., September 27, 28, and 29
The On Course I Workshop is back on campus this fall semester. If previous OC I Workshops have not fit into your schedule, here is your chance to sign up (with plenty of time to plan ahead for your fall schedule).
This Workshop provides a foundation in learner-centered education as well as practical and proven educational strategies that participants can use immediately with their students. At the end of the workshop, participants develop a specific plan to implement one or more strategies learned in the workshop.
English and Reading Instructors (FT and PT) Mark May 22-24, (9-2) on your calendars. The English and Reading Department is preparing a mini-conference in order to help prepare instructors to meet the challenges and changes that AB 70 5 legislation will bring. Look for fliers soon.