Canvas Support
How do I log-in to Canvas?
Visit SCCCD Instructure log-in or navigate to to log-in. Faculty members use their email usernames (i.e. ts016) and passwords.
How can I learn more about Canvas?
These resources include links to helpful tutorials and documentation that gives tips for communicating within Canvas, managing your Canvas course, calendars, grades, groups, and more. The clear step-by-step instructions and videos will get you up and running with Canvas. Hopefully you'll also find other materials that help inspire your course building.
We're always happy to help, don't hesitate to Contact Tracy Stuntz if you'd like to set up a one-on-one consultation to get started with Canvas.
Instructor Resources
In-person training sessions are held frequently at Clovis Community College's main campus.
A variety of online support resources are available in Instructure's Canvas Community:
- Documentation: Getting Started with Canvas as an Instructor
- Feature Ideas: If you'd like to suggest a new idea, see How do I submit a Canvas feature request? Canvas updates frequently; see About Canvas releases for more information.
- Answers: Visit Canvas Answers to search questions that have already been asked and post new questions for the Canvas Community to answer.
- Self-paced Instructor Orientation tutorials: to complete a tutorial, click "Join This Course" in the upper right corner of the page.