Open Educational Resources (OERs) at Clovis Community College

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are teaching, learning and research materials that are either in the public domain or shared under an open license. An open license allows for the five activities described in the figure below, commonly referred to as the “Five Rs”. Creative Commons licenses are the most used open licenses for OERs.

graphic of the 5 Rs

OERs have gained traction in the last decade as an effort to reduce the financial burden placed on students in higher education. Because most OERs are digital, they can be offered to students for free, or can be printed at low cost. In addition to saving students money, OERs are highly adaptable due to the open nature of the licensing. The 5 Rs empowers instructors to tailor their courses to their diverse student population, their local community, and their specific learning outcomes.

Interested in learning more about OER? CCC has resources to help faculty find and adopt OERs for their courses. In many cases, complete textbooks already exist with ancillary materials. Sometimes faculty choose to create their own textbook by piecing together chapters of different OER works. The best place to get started is our OER LibGuide linked below.

Faculty can also make an appointment with Brooke Ramos (OER Librarian) or Stephanie Coffman (OERI Liaison) to discuss OER options for your course.

The Clovis Community College OER LibGuide is a one-stop shop for all you need to know about OER. You can find information on finding, adopting, and creating OERs.

Faculty can self-enroll in the Clovis Community College OER Training Course on Canvas. This course is not facilitated and is self-paced; faculty can enroll at any time and complete the course any time. Once you have completed the course, you will earn a certificate of completion.

Course Description: This course serves as an introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER), providing faculty with new options for selecting textbooks and other resources so they can make the best decisions for their students. At the end of this course successful participants will be able to:

  1. Properly identify the Creative Commons (CC) license on a resource and describe how this resource can and cannot be used.
  2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of open resources using current research in the field as evidence.
  3. Research, analyze, and review repositories of open resources.
  4. Effectively search for open resources and post reviews in an OER repository.
  5. Create an open resource by remixing multiple existing resources and designate a license to this new resource based on the licenses of multiple resources use.

Please watch your email for paid opportunities to complete the OER Training Course. Email Stephanie Coffman for more information.

We are currently accepting applications for another round of OER Awards, focused on general education courses to complete these ZTC pathways. All current, full-time and part-time, faculty are invited to submit proposals.

  • Program information and the application can be found on our OER SharePoint. Please note that you need to be logged into your Microsoft 365 to view.
  • Applications are due March 3, 2025 at 5:00 PM.
  • Please email Stephanie Coffman with any questions.

Clovis Community College’s OER Award Program provides incentives to faculty members to adopt, create and update OER materials. We are currently developing Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) degree programs in Communication Studies, Early Childhood Education and Wildlife and Plant Technician, funded by the ZTC Degree Grant Program.

Congratulations to all of our faculty members who were awarded OER Grants in the Fall 2023 Application Cycle: Tracy Stuntz, Melanie Sanwo, Derek Dormedy, Cody Hoover, Jennifer Simonson, Anna Martinez, Malachi Whitford, Christina Wells, Jon McPhee, Eunji Seo, Georgia Fritz, Nathan Wensko, Benjamin Bohan, Amy Danowitz, Stephanie Briones, Scott Phillips, Brian Shamp, Rebekah Villalta, Grace Freymiller, Stephanie Coffman, Rosa Alcazar, Jason Gardner, Laurie Taylor, David Cao, Crystina Ciula, Hilary Dildine, Eugene Hannon, Michelle Selvans, Janice Ledgerwood, Elizabeth Romero and Heather Boynton!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The reduction in costs for students is a major benefit of OERs but is not the only one. OER course materials are much more flexible than commercial textbooks, allowing the instructor to customize the materials to meet their specific student learning outcomes and their diverse student community.

Some advantages of OERs include:

Access: All students have immediate access to their course materials and retain access after the course has ended.

Adaptability: You can start with existing OER material and modify it to tailor the content for your specific course. You can start with existing OER material and modify it to tailor the content for your specific course or you can combine multiple existing OERs into a new work.

Scalability: OERs are easy to distribute widely with little or no cost.

Enhancement of regular course content: For example, multimedia material such as videos can accompany text. Presenting information in multiple formats may help students to learn the material more easily.

Quick Circulation: Information may be disseminated rapidly (especially when compared to information published in textbooks or journals, which may take months or even years to become available). Quick availability of material may increase the timeliness and/or relevance of the material being presented.

Continually Improved Resources: Unlike textbooks and other static sources of information, OERs can be improved quickly through direct editing by users or through solicitation and incorporation of user feedback. Instructors can take an existing OER, adapt it for a class, and make the modified OER available for others to use.

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are teaching, learning and research materials that are in the public domain or have an open license (see above for a more detailed definition).

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) is a class/degree/pathway that does not pass any cost for textbooks on to the student.

While the two are often used interchangeably, they each describe different aspects of course materials. ZTC describes only the cost of the materials passed on to students, while OER describes the licensing of the course materials. The image below summarizes the intersections between these two, with the vertical axis being the license (OER or not OER) and the horizontal axis being the cost (ZTC or not ZTC). Let’s consider a few examples:

OER and ZTC (Green): Usually, courses that use an OER textbook are also ZTC, because they use a digital textbook that is free to access. Often a print version of the book can also be sold at the bookstore, but it is optional.

OER and not ZTC (Blue): In some cases, students need to purchase a printed copy of the OER or purchase access to an openly licensed homework platform. For example, STEM courses with a lab often require a printed lab manual that students use to collect and analyze their data.

Copyrighted and ZTC (Yellow): The internet is full of resources that are copyrighted, but free to access (e.g., most of the videos on YouTube). You can use these in your course for free, but they are not OER. Additionally, the library or school may purchase access to copyrighted materials that you can use in your courses. These materials are free to the student, ZTC, but not OER.

Copyrighted and not ZTC (Gray): Traditional course textbooks and materials fall in this category. The cost of the materials is passed on to the student and the materials are not openly licensed.


OER and ZTC by Wiley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Consider serving on the OER Advisory Committee or joining us for our monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at 3:00pm in AC3-256.

Professional development on OER is offered throughout the semester and can be a great opportunity to meet faculty using OER and get involved. Join us for Open Ed Week in the spring semesters and OER Awareness Week in the fall!

If you are knowledgeable about OER, open licensing and accessibility and are interested in joining our ZTC Workgroup, please reach out to Stephanie Coffman. The ZTC workgroup reviews and accepts proposals for OER Awards and reviews final project submissions for licensing and accessibility.

If you are using an OER textbook for your course, you still need to adopt the book through the bookstore when textbook adoptions are sent out. Please choose “Only OER material is used for this course” for your adoption. Faculty are encouraged to add the name of the textbook with a link in the “Notes” section during textbook adoption. This allows students to see which textbook they need when searching on the bookstore’s website, providing them access before classes start.

Instructions for adopting OER materials as textbooks

It is best practice to include in your syllabus how students can order a printed copy of a digital OER. If your OER textbook is available for purchase on Amazon or through the publisher's website (e.g. OpenStax), please include this information in your syllabus. Our campus bookstore will not pre-order print copies of a digital OER textbook, as they do not tend to sell. If your OER textbook does not have print copies available online, then students can order print copies of your OER through the campus bookstore. To initiate this process, please contact the bookstore before the term starts to have your OER approved for printing and then the bookstore will print as needed. Black and white copies are very cheap at the bookstore, but color printing costs significantly more.

Most OER textbooks and materials are shared under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons (CC) Licenses are an extension of copyright that empowers creators to decide how they want their works to be used by others, including allowing for the 5 Rs discussed above. In contrast, copyrighted works can only be used if you have permission or your use falls under the limitations and exceptions of copyright. All Creative Commons licenses require Attribution, ensuring that the authors always receive credit for their work. As you become a user of OERs, it is important to include the correct attributions for each OER that you might use.

Interested in learning more? The resources below from the OER Advisory Committee delve deeper into the types of CC licenses and how to use them.

Creative Commons Licenses

Adapting Works from the Creative Commons

Additional Resources

Creative Commons Textbook

Best Practices for Attributions

Creative Commons FAQs

Creative Commons Certified Faculty: David Cao, Stephanie Coffman, Cristal Machuca Marquez, Melinda Medeiros, Brooke Ramos, Shilpa Ranganathan

Open Educational Resources by the OER Advisory Committee at Clovis Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.