Student Success and Equity Committee


The Student Success and Equity Committee coordinates initiatives and makes recommendations on college-wide planning related to such activities.

  • Develop, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of the Student Equity and Achievement Plan.
  • Review and evaluate annual student success and equity data to determine if college goals are being met.
  • Develop, recommend, and implement strategies and activities that improve student retention and success, with a special focus on disproportionately impacted students.
  • Recommend support programs, training, services and strategies that promote student equity.
  • Following the expenditure report deadline of the State Chancellor’s Office, review an annual summary of funding usage, outcomes, and achievements to present to College Council.
  • Review and evaluate Institutional Set-Standards each spring.
  • Collaborate with Professional Development Committee on college-wide professional development opportunities focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Note: This committee will rely on ad-hocs for various efforts.

Reporting Structure

The Student Success and Equity Committee reports to the College President via College Council.

Source: Clovis Community College 2024-2026 Governance Handbook



  • Vice President of Student Services or designee
  • Faculty member appointed by the Academic Senate, and chosen as co-chair by the faculty on the committee


  • Three additional administrators appointed by the President*
  • Three to five additional faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate – one of these faculty members should be from Counseling.
  • Two to three classified professionals appointed by the CSEA
  • Two to three classified professionals appointed by the Classified Senate
  • Up to three Student representatives appointed by the Associated Student Government
  • One Guided Pathways faculty lead

* Recommend one of these administrators is the person who oversees the Student Equity and Achievement Plan and funds.

Committee Resources, as needed:

  • Up to three additional students, as available (non-voting) (i.e.: Student Ambassador, Tutor, Peer Mentor, Student Athlete)
  • Tutorial Center representative*
  • Admissions & Records representative*
  • Institutional Research representative*
  • Financial Aid representative*
  • Student Activities representative*
  • Student Health and Wellness representative*
  • DSP&S representative*
  • Basic Needs representative*
  • Other resources to be invited as needed

* Unless appointed by respective constituency as one of their voting members.

Overall membership should reflect a mixture of instruction including CTE, Student Services, and Administrative Services when possible.

Student Success and Equity Committee Members List
Position Name Title/Discipline Term
Administrator, Co-Chair Gurdeep Hébert Dean of Students
Faculty, Co-Chair Stacy Ross Coordinator - Tutorial Center Two-year
Administrator James Sewell Director of Athletics
Administrator Kira Tippins Vice President of Student Services
Administrator Alicia Diaz Wrest Dean of Student Services
Faculty Beth Rutledge Counselor - DSP&S Two-year
Faculty Carla Stoner Counselor - Academic Counseling One-year
Faculty Erin Lane Psychology Instructor - Psychology One-year
Faculty (Optional) Darby Cogburn English Instructor - English One-year
Faculty (Optional) Rebekah Villalta Biology Instructor - Biology One-year
Classified (CS) Jake Rosenbery Instructional Administrative Assistant - Humanities Two-year
Classified (CS) Siena Flores Senior Program Specialist - Student Services Two-year
Classified (CS - Optional) Caryss Johnson Franklin Senior Program Specialist - Student Services
Classified (CSEA) Reneee Garcia Deputy Title IX Coordinator - Student Services Two-year
Classified (CSEA) Vicki Cockrell Instructional Administrative Assistant - Physical & Computational Sciences and Distance Education Two-year
Student Representative
Student Representative (Optional)
Student Representative (Optional)
Guided Pathways Faculty Co-Chair Teresa Mendes Dean of Instruction - Humanities One-year
Student Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Student Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Student Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Tutorial Center Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Admissions & Records Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Financial Aid Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Student Activities Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Student Health and Wellness Resource/As needed/Non-voting
DSP&S Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Basic Needs Resource/As needed/Non-voting
Other, As Needed Resource/As needed/Non-voting

Meeting Schedule

The Student Success and Equity Committee meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month during the academic year from 1–2:30 p.m. in AC3-256.

Student Success and Equity Committee Meeting Schedule
Days Time Location Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
1st Thursday 1–2:30 p.m. AC3-256 -- 9/5 10/3 11/7 12/5 -- 2/6 3/6 4/3 5/1
3rd Thursday 1–2:30 p.m. 8/22 9/19 10/17 11/21 -- 1/16 2/20 3/20 -- 5/15

Minutes & Agendas

Access materials, agendas, and meeting minutes.

Standing Committees

No standing committees available.