Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Committee


The committee is established by Clovis Community College to assist in complying with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 6401.7 (Chapter 1369, Statutes 1989) [Senate Bill 198 adopted 1989]; California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3203(c); Board Policy 6800; Administrative Regulations 6800; and the State Center Community College District Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). The Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Committee also makes recommendations on college-wide planning related to facilities.

  • Create and disseminate reports on the safety and health issues reviewed by the committee.
  • Review the results of scheduled periodic safety inspections.
  • Review incidents resulting in occupational injury, occupational illness, or exposure to hazardous substances and, where appropriate, submit recommendations to the administration for the prevention of future incidents.
  • Review alleged hazardous conditions reported to the committee or any committee member .
  • Consider employee safety suggestions.
  • Review and report action taken by the district to abate citations issued by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
  • Participate in the development of and implementation of the District Facilities Master Plan by establishing college priorities based on the Educational Master Plan and Strategic Plan
  • Support implementation of the college Emergency Preparedness Plan
  • Participate in the development of the district five-year construction plan
  • Monitor and document development of new facilities
  • Monitor and document progress on facilities goals included in the college Strategic Plan
  • Review and prioritize facilities requests identified in action plans and unit/program planning
  • Review plans and schedules for ongoing maintenance, grounds, and building services and recommend revisions if needed

Reporting Structure

The Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Committee reports to the College President via College Council.

Source: Clovis Community College 2024-2026 Governance Handbook



  • Vice-President of Administrative Services
  • Faculty member appointed by the Academic Senate, and chosen as co-chair by the faculty on the committee


  • Three additional administrators appointed by the President
  • Three additional faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate, (recommend at least one from a student services program)
  • Two classified professionals appointed by the CSEA*
  • Two classified professionals appointed by the Classified Senate*
  • One Student representative appointed by the Associated Student Government

* Recommend at least one Classified professional member from a student services program

Committee Resources, as needed:

  • Health Services Coordinator (non-voting)**
  • DSPS Director(non-voting)**
  • Basic Needs & Retention Services (non-voting)
  • Building Services (non-voting)**
  • District Office representatives, as needed (non-voting)

** Unless appointed by respective constituency as one of their voting members

Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Committee Members List
Position Name Title/Discipline Term
Administrator, Chair Kim Duong Vice President of Administrative Services
Faculty, Co-Chair Orlando Ramirez Head Soccer Coach/Physical Education Instructor - Athletics Two-year
Administrator Monica Marquez Child Development Lab School Manager - Child Development
Administrator James Sewell Director of Athletics
Administrator Sergio Salinas Grounds and Custodial Manager - Building and Grounds Services
Faculty Lauren Shiebelhut Biology Instructor - Biology One-year
Faculty Dennis Montejano Criminology Instructor - Criminology Two-year
Faculty Jared Rutledge Biology Instructor - Biology Two-year
Classified (CS) Diana Salas Administrative Assistant - Student Services
Classified (CS) Tari Simpson Senior Library Technician - Library Science
Classified (CSEA) Houa Xiong Science Laboratory Coordinator - Biology
Classified (CSEA) Tyler Johns Science Laboratory Coordinator - Physical & Computational Sciences and Distance Education
Student Representative Haiden Del Fierro Student Trustee, Associated Student Government
Health Services Coordinator Naomi Forey Coordinator - Health Services
DSP&S Director
Basic Needs Director Bonita Gomez Director of Student Success Programs - Student Services
Building Services
District Office Representative

Meeting Schedule

The Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Committee meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month during the academic year from 2–3:00 p.m. in AC3-256.

Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Committee Meeting Schedule
Days Time Location Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
3rd Wednesday 2–3:00 p.m. AC3-256 8/21 9/18 10/16 11/20 -- 1/22 2/19 3/19 4/23 --

Minutes & Agendas

Access materials, agendas, and meeting minutes.

Standing Committees

No standing committees available.