

The Curriculum Committee reviews and recommends new and existing courses and programs to meet the needs of students and legislative requirements for transfer, career technical education, and basic skills education through credit and non-credit pathways.

  • Define local standards
  • Determine GE status of courses
  • Align ADT transfer degree requirements
  • Determine AA/AS and transfer degree requirements
  • Recommend to receiving institutions courses and programs for transfer/articulation
  • Review new and existing curriculum to ensure that each course meets standards for quality and follows guidelines defined in Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 6 of the California Code of Regulations
  • Submit approved curriculum to the Educational Planning and Coordinating Committee (ECPC) for review
  • Recommend approval of new courses and programs to the SCCCD Board of Trustees
  • Carry out other locally defined duties as articulated in SCCCD Board Policy, Administrative Regulations, and Clovis Community College Academic Senate resolutions.

Source: Clovis Community College 2024-2026 Governance Handbook



  • Curriculum Chair is a faculty member elected by the faculty at large (two-year term) who serves concurrently on the Academic Senate Executive Commitee


  • Vice President of Instruction or designee (non-voting
  • Eight additional faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate: one per department (two-year terms)
  • SLO Coordinator
  • Articulation Officer
  • One student representative appointed by the Associated Student Government


  • Admissions and Records representative (non-voting)
  • Curriculum Analyst (non-voting)
  • Financial Aid representative (non-voting)
  • Librarian (non-voting)

Curriculum Committee Members List
Position Name Title/Discipline Term
Chair Anna Martinez Two-year
Faculty Representative Jacob Witt Two-year
Faculty Representative CJ Albertson Two-year
Faculty Representative Scott Phillips Two-year
Faculty Representative Two-year
Faculty Representative Jay McDaniel Two-year
Faculty Representative Jenna Irish Two-year
Faculty Representative Malachi Whitford Two-year
Faculty Representative Tasha Hutchings Two-year
Articulation Officer Stacy McArrron
SLO Coordinator Christina Wells One-year
SLO Coordinator Nathan Wensko One-year
Student Representative Jadah Wren One-year
Administrative Representative James Ortez
Curriculum Analyst Margee Loya
DSP&S Counselor/Coordinator Kellie Greiner
Library Representative Brooke Ramos
Admissions and Records Representative Reynani Chappel

Meeting Schedule

The Curriculum committee meets every Monday during the academic year from 3:30–5:00 p.m. in AC3-256.

Access via Zoom
Meeting ID: 823 5393 2588
Passcode: 648901

Curriculum Committee Meeting Schedule
Days Time Location Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
Every Monday 3:30–5:00 p.m. AC3-256 Every Monday

Minutes & Agendas

Click the link below to access materials, agendas, and meeting minutes for the Curriculum Committee.

Curriculum on MyOrgs

Standing Committees

No standing committees available.