Monthly Board Highlights - January 2021
Board Meeting Notes January 5, 2021
If you were unable to attend the January 5, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting, here are some of the actions that took place.
The Board heard the following reports and presentations:
- Academic Senate Report by Karla Kirk
- Classified Senate Report by Susi Nitzel (written)
Board Policies:
BP 5035 Withholding of Student Records
Public Hearing and Adoption:
College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreement (AB 288 Dual Enrollment)
Public Hearing
- Amended bargaining proposal presented by CSEA, and its State Center Chapter #379 to SCCCD
- Amended bargaining proposal presented by SCCCD to CSEA and its State Center Chapter #379
Approved the following:
- Academic Personnel Transactions as presented
- Classified Personnel Transactions as presented
- The nomination of Trustee Deborah Ikeda for the California Community College Trustees Board
- Ad Hoc Committee comprised of Trustees Perea, Gomez and Caglia to recommend chancellor search process and search firm
Pulled from the agenda:
Consideration to appoint Ad Hoc Committee to review the Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission bylaws and requirements in order to make a recommendation regarding future District representative appointments
- Resolution 2021.01, Determination of California Environmental Quality Act Compliance for the RC Center for Fine and Performing arts project through a mitigated negative declaration
- Resolution 2021.02, Determination of California Environmental Quality Act Compliance for the RC replacement of the agriculture well through a categorical exemption
- Resolution 2021.03 Anti-Racism
Approved the following Grant Agreements:
Madera Community College has received a $105,968 renewal agreement from the County of Madera, Department of Social Services. The funding will provide job readiness, educational and vocational training to fifty (50) CalWORKs clients to support participants' employment goals to become gainfully employed and financially self-sufficient.
The District Office and Fresno City College have each received $200,000 renewal agreements from Rancho Santiago Community College District as fiscal agent. The funding is made available from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. The funding will support the roles of the Regional Director, who will coordinate and support their region's community colleges to employers that provide living-wage jobs and foster employer engagement with colleges and students.
Fresno City College has received an amended $22,500 agreement from the Foundation for Community Colleges for the Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success - Independent Living Program (YESS-ILP). The amendment provides additional funding and extension. The funding will continue to provide training, daily life skills training, and employment preparation training to foster youth and probation youth ages 16 to 21. The original agreement was taken to the board on November 5, 2
Closed Session:
The Board did not go into Closed Session