Week of August 28, 2023

Hello to my Clovis family,

I hope that everyone had a wonderful week and that you are all looking forward to the last long weekend of the summer. I had a great week, and it is always due to being surrounded by so many wonderfully passionate and talented colleagues. Please know that there is not a minute that I am not proud to serve you.

Here is my week at a glance:

On Saturday, I had the pleasure to provide a keynote address to the 2023 Family Community Church’s Women’s Conference. I talked about “not having a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind”. I told them how I moved here from Arkansas, 1981 miles away, not knowing anyone, and how you all and this entire community made me feel welcome. I have not for one day felt alone.

Later that day, I came over to the College and spoke to the Links, Inc. executive board members who were meeting on our campus. They greeted me by telling me how wonderful Maya was. But, of course, we all already know that. She helped them bring all of their things in for their meeting. They are a national African American women service organization who were having the national immediate past president, Dr. Kimberly Jeffries Leonard, a fellow Howard University Alumnae who is at the Howard University Cancer Center and Cardiovascular and Cancer Epidemiology, speak to them about Women in STEM.

Later that day, I went to Walmart (I think you will be getting a lot of Walmart references from me), and a new student saw me and she came up to say hi to me. We talked and she was there to buy snacks so she would be ready for the week. She was getting healthy snacks because she had already eaten all of her snacks. It always warms my heart when students, faculty, and classified professionals feel comfortable enough to say “Hi”, come talk to me, and introduce me to their family when I’m out and about.

Sunday after church, I came by the college and spent some time with a wonderful group of model airplane hobbyist who use our grounds every Sunday to fly their remote-controlled planes. There were about 20 parents, grandparents, and about 10 teen and preteen age boys. I think I found me a new hobby. They were so thankful for the ability to use our grounds and I told them that as “ the communities college “ that I was glad they were there too. Maybe we can start a model airplane club or have a summer camp.

I received an email for Dr. Ortez regarding James Sewell addressing the needs of his soccer players as they deal with the loss of their former soccer friend Uriel. James had the foresight and heart to work with the opposing team to reschedule a soccer game. Thank you all for continuing to think of the needs of our students. This is the Clovis way. Taking care of all our students’ needs both inside and outside of the classroom… a holistic approach.

On Monday we started the week in remembrance of and in celebration of Molly. Molly week. I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Doris Griffin, Molly’s mom, and I am so very glad that we are able to keep her daughter’s memory alive in such a meaningful and impactful way. Her story touched my heart as a mom.

I spent most of my day at the District Office in the Chancellor’s Cabinet. We talked about how great enrollments were looking (kudos Outreach and Counseling Teams!!!!!!). We spent the majority of the time going through the KPIs on completion and employment for the special session of the September Board meeting. We then reviewed AR’s and BPs in preparation for College Council.

On Tuesday, I was in Communication Council where we had wonderfully spirited conversations about the review process. I was very proud of both our Academic Seante President, Dr. Mendes, and our Classified Professional President, Caryss Johnson, for making sure that Clovis’ voice and concerns were heard.

I then went to Herndon Campus and was part of the committee getting ready for VC of Finance and Administration upcoming interviews.

Tuesday evening, I hosted my Clovis Community College President’s Community Business and Industry Advisory Committee. What an incredible group of business and community leaders. We had a spirited conversation on equitable student access, equitable student achievement, and the data presented. We also presented information on the new CITC 2023-2027 Scope of Work grant that Rich Mostert received as part of the Central CA SBDC Network. The CITC program includes: 1. Work-based learning and internship components for community college students, and 2. Training and advising for small to medium sized California based businesses. This information was well received by our business and industry and community partners.

Wednesday, I had to video tape a welcome to greet my African American students because Sasha Fisher and Clark-Lauren Richards are hosting their African American Student Success start of semester meet and greet, and I will be at the Chancellors Cabinet during this time. Hopefully, we will finish early so that I can still join them.

A student needed to be transported to the hospital via ambulance. The professor, Dr. Schoenburg, did a fabulous job being attentive to the needs of the students while maintaining calmness with the other students and getting medical attention. The professionalism, calmness, and compassion Dr. Dormedy showed is always welcoming and refreshing to me when I see that he is on the scene. Our Health Services Coordinator, Naomi Forey, was also on site to help with the situation. Our students were considerate and concerned and helped by running ahead of the gurney to open doors to make sure not to slow down the paramedics. Our SCCCD PD arrived on site after the student was in the ambulance and took all the important information. I must say, I have witnessed a few ambulance-assists since I’ve been here and I have always been amazed at how well you all pitch in to help. To see our students also jump in to help warmed my heart.

Discussed with Lorrie, the following issues:

  • Meeting with Canteen to get food in the vending machines for student access when the Café is closed.
  • Getting rid of excess items in classrooms and office space.
  • Online Auction
  • Habitat for Humanity Resale Store
  • Update on getting rid of weeds and watering the lawn.
  • Getting coffee in the Welcome Center like student discussed in Town Hall meeting.

Wednesday evening, Dr. Chahal, and Deans Gurdeep He’bert and Kira Tippins presented to the Soroptimist International of Clovis women’s club. We had the opportunity to talk about The SCCCD and Clovis impact on the local economy, as well as the instructional and support services we provide. A special thank you to Nico and Tom for helping to make our guests at our Herndon campus feel welcomed.

Thursday morning, I attended the Annual State of Our Children Breakfast to hear the first address by the new CUSD Superintendent Dr. Corrine Folmer.

I returned and was able to spend a short time visiting with our students in the Veterans Center. It was nice to see them use the Center and to spend time joking and laughing with them. It’s a great space, but they definitely still need more space.

Thursday afternoon, before having lunch with our new faculty during their new employee orientation, I sat in my car in the District Office parking lot and returned a call to Kira. I knew something was wrong. And, of course, it was. She told me that she had been informed that on yesterday, one of our students, Zein Alzoubi, had been killed in a motorcycle accident. I sat in my car for a few minutes and allowed myself to feel all kinds of emotions. I had to wait for authorization to make the announcement to you per Clovis PD. I left my car and had lunch with my new faculty. I am so thankful to Darby, Grace, Jacob, Edgar, Erin, Ben. Felipe and Cindy for giving me my joy back. They had no idea.

Thank you to Dr. Tabatha Stewart and our psychological services team for all they are doing to provide support services to our students, faculty, and staff during this difficult time.

Friday, I spent most of the day at the District Office with, Dr. Chahal, Von Torres, Kirtley King, and Dr. Briones as we talked about Affinity Groups’ roles and responsibilities. We met with other Affinity Group Presidents and VPs, the district lawyer, the Chancellor, and Human Resources.

Also, to sum up this week, I was able to review all the complaints and suggestions. I had a total of 15 since the system was created. Of those 15:

  • 7 were about the lawn and weeds,
  • 3 were about parking,
  • 1 was about how to access faculty vis email,
  • 1 was about placing trash cans in the parking lots,
  • 1 was about having a Transfer Center
  • 2 were about budget and/reimbursement issues.
  • 4 people completed the Social Justice survey and I will be reaching out to them to schedule a time to meet.

I also failed to mention two things last week. David Navarro stopped to tell me about the conference that he attended and presented at. David attended the Correctional Education Association 77th International Conference and Training. He led a workshop titled “Tragedy to Transition: A Story Helping Youth Transition to the Community College. He said that he gained a lot of new ideas and came back even more excited about helping this population. I will be asking David to give this presentation to us at a later date.

Lastly, I wanted to thank Anna and her hens, Pamela Anderson, Carl, CC, Disco, and NN for the incredible brown eggs that they gave me.

As I close, I want to wish everyone a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend. Have fun and enjoy your friends and family. Please remember to take time to rejuvenate and take care of yourselves. You are the only special you there is. Please know that I appreciate you and am glad that you are part of this incredible Clovis family.

I am prouder to serve you today than I was when I started.

Thank you for creating opportunities for our students… one student at a time.

Thank you for having and using your voice so that we can continue to grow and improve.

See you next week,

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.