Week of August 21, 2023

Hello Clovis Family,

My reflections this week are a little heavier that I have normally had to convey.

On Saturday night and Sunday, we had for the first time since 1939, had a hurricane make landfall in California. Her name was Hilary. I brought her with me from Arkansas, just like I brought all the rain with me when I came in January. Hopefully this will be the last of the unusually rainy/stormy weather I will be bringing to Clovis. We lost tress at both campuses and the lost a pole at the main campus at the entry way off Willow. We were fortunate not to have any major structural issues to buildings or injuries to people.

On Sunday, I received an email from Kira Tippins informing me that one of our students, a 17-year-old named Uriel Velasquez, had lost his life in a car accident.

Monday morning, I sent out an email to my Clovis Family to let you know of this heartbreaking news. Working with Kira and Dr. Tabitha Stewart of Psych Services, we set up opportunities for students, faculty, and Classified Professional to seek immediate assistance if needed. I contacted Uriel’s parents and, on behalf of the College, gave my condolences. I also contacted each of his instructors to give them the sad news . His instructors, Jason Tang, Dr. Patrick Fontes, and Dr. Shawn Jones were incredible in how they personally took it upon themselves to talk to his classmates and provide them with support and comfort. I can’t thank you all enough for pulling together through this. The District Office also was notified and they offered to provide access to additional support if needed. Once again you continue to demonstrate the Clovis spirit as you came together to take care of each other and our students. Thank you. We continued to follow up throughout the week with his faculty to check in on how they and their students were doing.

Monday afternoon I attended the Chancellor’s Cabinet meeting. Enrollments continue to look very good. We devoted the majority of the time reviewing ARs and BPs in preparation for Communications Council.

On Tuesday morning, I had the pleasure of walking to class with one of our adjuncts, math instructor Stephanie Long. It was a refreshing walk as we talked about being parents and celebrating the small things in our children’s lives and not missing an opportunity to make them feel loved and valued. I want to thank Stephanie for allowing me to spend time in the parent space with her as she celebrated her son’s first day of school. I also had the pleasure of writing a thank-you note to a donor who gave James Sewell a donation of $5000 to support athletics. Congratulations James for bringing financial support to our athletics programs and students.

Tuesday evening, I hosted my President’s African American Community Advisory Committee. I provided them with current enrollment data and employee demographics . I provided them with an update on the Integrated 2035 Plan and provided them with the Economic Value of the State Center Community College District Main Report. We discussed the importance of more community outreach to parents and students outside of just the schools. The committee produced the following goals: 1.Improve the HBCU Collaboration. 2. Work on a process to get more parents involved in preparing students for college. 3. Provide more financial literacy opportunities in the community 4. Develop a community calendar of events (Fresno Black Chamber is working on this ).

Wednesday, I spent the morning at Herndon visiting the incredible crew of colleagues there. I always look forward to getting out and about across campus and also to go to our other campus as well. I spent time talking with the CUSD Superintendent about the recent issue with the Hmong language classes. Working with the Chancellor, HR, and Dr. Chahal, we have been in contact with a few potential instructors to help teach their CUSD Hmong language classes.

Wednesday evening, I met with my President’s LGBTQIA+ Community Advisory Committee. I provided them with demographics for both students and employees. I provided them with an update of the Integrated 2035 Plan. Gave them a copy of the Economic Value of the State Center Community College District. We established the following goals: 1. Host a Film event for LGBTQIA+ youth this fall. 2. Select a group to attend the SafeZone train-the-trainer training at FCC in September. 3. Provide support for the LGBTQIA+ faculty committee. 4. Finalize the development of the plan associated with the $75K funds given to the college in 2021.

On Thursday afternoon, I had the opportunity to meet with Anna Martinez. As I have stated since my first Opening Day address back in January and again this Fall, our Institutional Learning Outcomes are of utmost importance to me. These are the skillsets which we state all Clovis graduates must master in order to serve as leaders. Anna and I developed a communication strategic plan to assure that our SLOs are front and center in all that we do. We also talked about ways that I have incorporated the SUOs into more of the Student Affairs areas and my expectations to have these methods implemented here.

Also on Thursday afternoon, I attended the first ASG Town Hall meeting of the year. The ASG President and I hosted about 50 students and employees. They had the following concerns: recycling opportunities, beautification of the campus, artwork both outdoors and indoors, food and coffee for night students, seating on the second floor of AC2, safety cameras, and gender-neutral bathroom vandalism.

On Thursday evening, I held the President’s Hispanic/Latinx Community Advisory Committee meeting. I provided them with demographic data for both students and employees. I provided them with information on the Integrated 2035 strategic plan process. I also provided them with the Economic Value of the State Center Community College District. We establish the following goals: 1. Start a Latinx Club where students can have access to role models, dances, cooking classes, be able to attend conferences (discussed how Title V funds can help with this request) 2. Identify people who are willing and able to support. Provide access to people who can make students feel welcome and not alone on campus. 3. Identify Student Ambassadors specifically for our Latinx students. It is one thing to have employees, but they also want someone close to their age with whom they can identify. 4. Do focus groups to hear from more students. 5. Have buttons or something to identify employees as first generation, Latinx, etc. to help students identify who they can relate to. Also, have student ambassadors wear something on their back packs that identifies them by first gens, Latinx, etc. 6. Provide information to parents and students about scholarships and opportunities to pay for college. 7. Respect the importance of family and have a family friendly graduation ceremony in Spanish and culturally relevant in addition to the large college ceremony.

I want to also thank all of the faculty, classified professionals, administrators, and mostly students who were able to attend the Community Advisory Committee meetings this week. Your input and support for our DEIA work is greatly appreciated.

Thursday night after the President’s Hispanic/Latinx Community Advisory Committee meeting, I was given the opportunity to stop in and talk to a class. Felipe Agredano invited me to talk to his Ethnic Studies class. They were energetic, engaged, and eager to learn everything that Felipe was teaching. Please know that anytime you want me to come talk to a class, please feel free to ask and I always welcome the opportunity to connect with students.

I was informed by the Chancellor that Follett, our bookstore vendor, has donated $10,000 to our President’s Luncheon. I was also informed the EECU has donated $1000 and will serve as a Silver Sponsor.

On Friday morning, I attended a Scholarship Reception meeting. Our Scholarship Reception will be held on September 7th. The team has done a fabulous job in planning to make this a great event again this year.

On Friday, we hosted the CEO/President of Fresno Center, Pao Yang. He came and talked about all of the services and resources that The Center has to offer refugees, immigrants, and any people of diverse backgrounds. He provided a background into who he was and his journey to America at the age of 6. He talked about the 30-year history of the Center and we talked about service and partnerships between CCC and The Fresno Center for our students and employees. Approximately 30 people attended. If you were unable to attend, we were able to record the presentation.

To end my day, I learned that David Navarro attended the Correctional Education Association 77th International Conference where he gave a presentation entitled “Tragedy to Transition: A story Helping Incarcerated Youth Transition to the Community College.” The workshop covered the partnership between SCCCD and Fresno County Superintendent of Schools Alice Worsley Justice High School. He came back energized to do more for our students. I want to thank David for going to the conference and representing Clovis. I am looking forward to him sharing his presentation and what he learned with us.

If you have not received a response from me with regards to your submission of a Complaint/ Suggestion, we are experiencing a technical glitch. I will respond to you as soon as possible. For the ones that I was able to access, thank you for your input; it is always appreciated and heard.

Tomorrow, I will be giving a keynote at a woman’s conference, and we will be hosting the Regional LINKS -STEM Conference on our campus.

To everyone celebrating birthdays, “Happy Birthday!” or any wonderful milestones, anniversaries, or any important family event, I hope you have a great celebration.

And to all my Clovis Family, I hope everyone has a safe and great weekend. I look forward to seeing you next week.

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.