Week of August 14, 2023

Hi Clovis Family,

I just want to provide you with a recap of my week as I promised. As I walked from my car to the building Monday morning, I could still feel the sense of excitement from the students who I saw and spoke with in the parking lot and in the halls. But what made me smile more than seeing the students was seeing you and asking you if you were able to relax and/or do something fun over the weekend. And many of you shared with me how relaxing your weekends were. As Steven Covey (7 Habits of Highly Successful People) talks about “Sharpening the saw” (taking care of yourself) as one of the habits, I was glad to see that you all took time for selfcare as you gave so very much to our students during their first week of classes.

On Monday morning, I met with the Classified Professional leadership team Caryss, Leslie, and Vicki, for our first meeting of the fall semester. We talked about professional development opportunities and process improvement strategies for not only dissemination of new professional development funding but for hiring and other practices in general. I then went to the District Office for our Chancellor’s Cabinet meeting. In brief we talked about the following:

  • Enrollment - The Chancellor applauded all colleges for our Fall enrollment numbers. While we continue to remain 6% below 2019 number (as a District), we are above last year’s numbers. Dual enrollment numbers are not included, and we are optimistic with second 9-week enrollments. Great job Clovis Team!!!!!
  • Staffing - The Chancellor stated during Convocation that she would be providing each college with three full-time tenure positions and three one-year temp positions. We discussed individual college instructional staffing priorities as they related to these positions.
  • Funding Allocations/50% Rule - Currently as a District we are at 50.2%; last year we were at 51.2%. Discussed increased utility costs and how that will negatively impact the 50% rule.
  • How the staffing at the District Office impacts the 50% rule.
  • ARs and BPs first and second reads.
  • District contract with Ocelot and costs to individual colleges for additional services and usage.
  • New student worker guidelines as they relate specifically to Interpreter services.
  • Deciding on a common definition for International Education.
  • “Equivalency” standards across the colleges.
  • Developing a code of ethics standard for administrators where currently there is no policy.

On Tuesday I held VPC and reviewed with them the details of the Chancellor’s Cabinet meeting so that they can provide information with their areas. I participated in the California League of Colleges Monthly Zoom meeting, and I also had a meeting with the CEO and team from the Marjaree Mason Center, where we discussed how we could strengthen our partnership. Currently they are not allowed in the CUSD high schools where they are allowed in the FUSD schools. I asked them to partner with our Title IX Coordinator, Renee Garcia, to plan for Domestic Violence Week and other opportunities to provide our students with resources and support through prevention and education. We ended the day by hosting our quarterly Clovis Community College President’s Asian American Advisory Committee. We had four community members attend. We updated them on student and employee demographics and provided them with information about the Integrated 2035 Plan as well as provided the committee with the Economic Value of the State Center Community College District Main Report. Gurdeep and Monica gave a presentation on the new AANHPI grant funding and requirements. During this meeting we were made aware that the CUSD had plans to no longer teach Hmong Language Courses 1, 2, and 3 at Buchanan and Clovis High Schools. The Committee drafted a letter to the School Board supporting the Hmong community’s request to keep these classes.

On Wednesday, I participated in the District-wide Guided Pathways Zoom meeting. I attended the SCCCD Foundation Board of Directors meeting and gave a presentation on the College’s Fall 2023 enrollment, Spring 2023 graduation data, including ethnic demographics, student athletics, number of degrees and certificates awarded as well as GPA breakdown. I also updated the Board on the Integrated 2035 process. Also the first CCC Integrated 2035 Planning meeting was held. The consultants gave an overview of the process and goals for the college. The committee members were tasked with reviewing the data presented and looking for themes and gaps. The topics discussed were:

  1. Equitable Student Access
  2. Equitable Student Achievement
  3. Workforce and Social Mobility
  4. Enrollment Growth
  5. Trust and Collaboration

The committee will meet again next month. In the evening, I attended the CUSD School Board meeting in support of our Hmong community. Excerpts from the letter that was written on behalf of the Clovis Community College President’s Asian American Advisory Committee were read. I was proud to see many of our faculty, students and community partners in attendance. There was extensive public comments from the Hmong community regarding the Hmong Language classes. The decision was made to continue providing the Hmong Language 1, 2, and 3 classes at Buchanan and Clovis High Schools.

On Thursday, I held both the President’s Full Council and College Council meetings. This was the first meeting of the fall semester for both groups. It was great to see everyone.

In Full Council, we discussed:

  • Parking Permits- continued issues and possible solutions
  • Investigated the possibility of having a Clovis Clean Up day to assist with getting weeds cleaned up around campus.
  • Process improvement with regards to Blanket POs,
  • Equipment Quotes for AC3.

In College Council we discussed:

  • The UP Planning
  • 2023-2024 Budget
  • Enrollment
  • Governance Handbook and ad hoc committee
  • Professional Development Funding ad hoc committee
  • Discussed ARs and BPS and processes for review and input.
  • Constituency and Committee Updates were provided.

On Friday, I studied for and took the California Community College Athletic Association (3C2A) Test to assure that Clovis met all criteria for compliance for Athletics.

I have no formal activities scheduled for this weekend, so I will end my weekly reflections and activities report by thanking you for continuing to be student first and student centered in all that you do. It shows; and the students continue to speak to me and come to see me, expressing how helpful everyone has been.

Here’s to wishing you all a great weekend. See you Monday!

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.