Week of May 6, 2024

Hi Clovis Fam,

How are you all? I want you to know that my heart is filled to the brim this week. As I see you pouring, selflessly into our students to celebrate them as they graduate and/or finish the semester. You tell me that you have lots to do, yet I see you smiling, engaging, and celebrating with our students, their families, friends, and supporters. Thank you all for being you. For being the passionate people committed to educating ALL. You are educating both in the classroom and out of the classroom. I thought that the Chicago Bulls had a Dream team when they had Micheal Jordan, Dennis Rodman, BJ Armstrong, and Scotty Pippin but I got to see the best Dream Team in Academia that ever existed. I have a pep in my step and a song in my heart because I am so thankful to be here to serve each of you individually and collectively. Thank you for being you and for shining strong like a diamond and second to none — as I’ve come to cherish this as the Clovis Spirit.

When you see that I’m out and about, it is because of you that I get to tell the stories and let the people KNOW what I get to see every day about this special place and the people who make it special.

Saturday was a day when Clovis was out and about in the community. We started Saturday morning at a Women’s Prayer Breakfast. The women were glad to see Clovis there. I was honored to have with me: Clark- Lauren, Caryss, Akiya, and one of our amazing students, Myles. Please know that when we are hosting tables in the community, we are not there to just get a free meal. As stewards of the funds provided to us, we are strategic and intentional about these community events. As the community’s college (our mission) when we are out and about, we are representing the College and building or strengthening partnerships. The role of recruiting or outreach is the responsibility of us all, not just those with outreach in their title or job description. So please know that when people are at tables, they have their name tags and business cards and are truly incredible ambassadors to connect the College to the community. I was proud to be with these ladies as they worked the room and let the women in the room see the Clovis Spirit…it’s more than business as usual.

I also enjoyed having a student with us, it is part of our mission to expose students to other things and I enjoy spending time and teaching them, and giving them the space to ask me anything they want. I enjoy watching students get excited as well as get out of their comfort zone and expand their horizons.

After we left the Women’s Prayer Breakfast, I followed Clark-Lauren to the B.E.S.T (Black Excellence in STEM) Concert. We had a table and Clark–Lauren was there with two of our amazing ambassadors.
Later that evening, we went to the Iota Phi Lamba Sorority, Inc. Debutante Ball. Clark-Lauren joined me and we sat with Tonya Lovely and June Boyce from Family Community Church, and Deborah Lewis from Fresno City College. One of the escorts for the Debutante announced that she would be coming to Clovis. I also had the opportunity to talk with parents who are interested in having their students take summer classes. It was a good night.

On Sunday, I had planned on going to church and then going home to relax, well that did not happen. One of my community advisor members texted me and invited me to go to a FSU faculty member’s house for home-cooked Ethiopian food. So, I celebrated Cinco de Mayo and then went and had homemade Ethiopian food. I love goat and I had two different dishes with chicken and beef, greens, and cabbage. I was in my zone. So, when you see that I’m out and about, don’t feel sorry for me. There is food involved while I am networking. 😊

So, I ate out Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday 😊. Please know that although I love to cook, I can’t cook like what I ate all weekend.

On Monday, we had Chancellor’s Cabinet online (we talked about the May Board Agenda). Directly following the Cabinet meeting was the Ag Tech Leadership monthly meeting. I then went to the Clovis City Council meeting where I was glad I went because two council members gave me donations to support our Speech and Debate Club.

On Tuesday, We had VPC where we talked about the trench being dug (this is necessary for finishing up AC3) and how we can adapt for this during graduation. We talked about the new requirements for the purchase of “clean’ vehicles and the new state requirements. We then had a wonderful Palestinian tabling event hosted by our MSA Club and their advisor Matthew Graff. I left the tabling event and went to our May Board Meeting. During the Board meeting, I had the opportunity to publicly thank and show appreciation to those who have been instrumental in working on our reaffirmation process and the drafting of our ISER report. My special thanks to the Accreditation Steering Committee: Anna-Marie Miller, Christina Wells, Jaclyn Rowley, James Ortez, Laura Gonzales, Laura Hill, Leslie King, Lorrie Hopper, Lucas Reyes, Michelle Johnson, Monica Chahal, Rebecca Kinlow, Ronellie Liboon, Ryan Feyk-Miney, and Shilpa Ranganathan. The Board members absolutely loved the affinity swag bags I gave them. Thank you everyone for designing the RASFA t-shirts 😊 and to Gurdeep and her team for putting together the additional Juneteenth, First Generation, and Black History month items.

After I left the Board meeting at about 7 p.m., there was still daylight. I was able to make it to the AASI end-of-year celebration. To see all the families there in celebration of their students. There were parents, grandparents, and children. It was truly a culturally centered celebration and I was glad I was able to make it. Outstanding job to Clark-Lauren, Sasha, and Caryss for making our African American students feel celebrated, and that they “belonged” here. I was most impressed to see several of you there in celebration. I also know that Interim VP Kira rushed back from the Board meeting to share in the celebration. Seeing all of you there, being the village to our students makes me proud, and grateful. As you know this is a big deal especially to our first-generation college students and their families and to other marginalized groups as they are changing lives for their families' future. Watching the children taking pictures and enjoying the celebration reinforces our commitment to making a difference. Thank you, everyone, for making it about our students. Looking forward to next year’s annual celebration.

On Wednesday, VPSS Kira and I met with a community member about possible collaborations and partnerships to provide mentorships to our students and to assist them with getting federal grants.
I then had the honor of joining our faculty, classified staff, and students for Clovis Community College Catholic End of Year Mass. I am always thankful to have the Priest from the Newman Center come to pray and share with our faculty, classified professionals, and students. They also prayed for and celebrated the retirement of Michael Stannard.

I then drove to Fresno State to be a part of the celebration of Dr. Kapoor’s induction as a social work pioneer in peace advancement. This is a major honor for a man who has committed over 57 years of his life to social justice and non-violence for all. He talked about his work with Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, and the peace garden at the University. He is one of the first people that I met when I arrived and he has welcomed me and provided me with an understanding of the importance of social justice here in Fresno. While at the reception, I was approached by a man who said he helped to invent the GPS innovation as we know it today. He came to Fresno State from Iowa State. He is impressed with our Mechatronics Program and wants his grandson to attend. Your work is known and recognized Matthew! Just wanted you to know.

I left Dr. Kapoor’s celebration, changed clothes, and went to The 1st Annual Clovis Community College Crush Athletic Banquet. I tell you, it was again one of the most student-centered/student-first celebrations that I have ever seen. James and his committee did a fabulous job in making it about and for the students. We had our Board President and VP attend and we had two of our major donors and their families attend. But I was most proud to see us, again, showing up and supporting our students. They loved seeing us there and it makes a difference to their sense of belonging. There were shouts of joy and love opening shown among the students. There were tears by our donors and they were actively engaged as part of the celebration. You know you did it right when the students were up taking 360 pictures and stayed well past Jake’s closing the event before recognizing all the work of James Sewell. Outstanding job everyone for making the night special for our students. Can’t wait to see how it grows next year. FYI, the trustees were proudly sporting their custom-made Clovis earrings. Emilee, you rock!!!!

On Thursday, I had the pleasure of taking President’s Small Council to Madera to the Regional Investment Plan Spring Sprint Kick-Off. I was so very proud to have this team of passionate and forward-thinking professionals with me. We are at the forefront of working with 4 counties to intentionally and collaboratively make a difference in our region. We are in the process of mapping out the needs of the region as we have the goal of economic development with education and workforce development being key components to the process. We will be looking intentionally at the needs of the migrant workers as well as those who speak languages other than English in our region, in addition, child care needs and schedules to meet the needs of those unable to attend college during traditional hours. There are opportunities and this regional collaboration has the potential to move the needle for our region. Thank you to VPI Monica, Interim VPSS Kira, Deans Ruben, Whitney, Laura, Gurdeep, Alicia, and Michelle for coming to the table to provide Clovis Community College’s intellectual capital with bringing the data-informed piece to the conversation as well as bringing together all the great work we have already done.

I returned to campus to not only enjoy the Student Art and Music Open House, but I had the privilege of inviting some community members to attend who had never been on our campus. The level of the student’s work was amazing and breathtaking for all mediums. We got into a discussion about AI and Kirt simply talked with them about how he incorporates it into his class as a tool but also how we teach about the ethical usage of AI in the classroom and workplace. They talked with Janice because one of the guests’ grandsons wants to work with 3D printing. They had not considered him coming to Clovis. No, now they are. What they got to see was not only the high standards and level of excellence, what they saw was the care and compassion each of you demonstrated daily for our students. Again, you could have been home. It was after 5 pm. But you were not only there, you were engaging and excited and proud. You again selflessly give and I can't thank you enough.

On Friday, I had the honor of making a few statements to the students at the 3rd Annual STEM Research Symposium and listening to the closing keynote speaker, Dr. Gizelle Hurtado. She talked about her story and natural history to scientific inquiry. Outstanding work to Dr. Stephanie Briones and Dr. Rosa Alcazar, and all of the STEM Faculty and Classified Professionals including the Science Lab Coordinators for once again selflessly pouring into our students.

I ended my day by attending our CCC LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Cord Pick-Up Party. Listening to Leslie and Kirt and everyone getting ready for the celebration again put a spirit of pride in the air. It is a great opportunity for us all to make sure that we are joyfully creating a place that is not only safe but also where our students, classified professionals, and faculty feel welcome and that they belong. Thanks to everyone on the committee for sharing your love and passion for making our student end their year and or time with us knowing that we care. Thank you to Kirt and Leslie King, Diane Schoenburg, Von Torres, Bonita Gomez, Tari Simpson, Stephanie Briones, Gabby Ramirez, and Erin Lane.

Oh, and if you see Edgar Parrilla, please tell him congratulations as he is now officially…drum roll please…Dr. Edgar Parrilla!! Congratulations on defending your dissertation recently. I am so very proud of you and excited for you. Way to go!!!!

We have more celebrations and things to finish up as we prepare for graduation. I hope and pray that you be reminded to take care of yourselves (put your masks on first) as you are taking care of our students. I am so very proud, grateful, and just in awe of your true student-first/student-centered spirit. It is the Clovis Spirit. May you all enjoy your Mother’s Day celebration. Eat a lot and be thankful. Please as you travel along the way be safe and come back rested and ready to finish the semester strong.

In service,

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.