Week of April 29, 2024

Hello Clovis Fam,

How is everyone doing this week? I hope you were able to step away from UP Plans, grading papers and tests, preparing for graduation, and all of the things needed to do in preparation to finish this semester while at the same time pushing hard to reach summer and fall enrollment goals. Even with the short weekend breaks, we are feeling the exhaustion that comes with the end of the academic year and the spring semester. Some of you have told me that this semester feels like it has gone by fast and also that it feels like you have had a lot on your plates with not enough time in the day to get it all done. I agree, this spring semester has felt like a lot was going on. Please hold on as the semester is almost over and we can have a sigh of relief as we can celebrate all that our students have accomplished as they finish the semester and as some graduate moves on to bigger and greater things. Please remember to check in with yourselves and see how you are and be mindful and intentional as you practice self-care. Please check in with each other and make sure each is doing okay and if not give grace, love, space, and respect as individually needed.

As you are taking care of yourselves and each other please stop by and check on Bonnie, I have been pushing her hard this week as my schedule has been absolutely crazy and she has been a rock in scheduling and rescheduling all the meetings and events since before the board retreat. She has been a rock star and I am so very thankful for her professionalism and her organizational skills.

As you may recall, last week on, “As the Clovis Turns” (a reference to a 1960’s soap opera. Wow some of you may not know what that is!!!! Okay a prehistoric reality TV show filled with drama that came on during the day before there was cable TV). Okay, hum, I’m going to just stop now. Just Google it. LOL! So, last week, I went to Table Mountain to spend time at the annual Board Retreat. I presented our KPIs on Persistence, and the Clovis Planning process as we finalized the Integrated 2035 Plan, and we walked the Board through our contribution to them reaching their Board goals. We then had ethics training by our attorneys, budget updates, and ACCJC reaffirmation review and updates. I was thankful to Ryan for joining me at the retreat to assist with any data questions during the KPI presentation. I know this sounds exciting, but don’t mourn for me. I saw the most incredible sunset with a backdrop of mountains and as most of you know, food makes me very happy. I had a fabulous sea bass hibachi. All is right with the world. Feed me, Seymore, Feed me!!!! ( another reference that may be dating my time LOL. Google it 😊). I bought back our CCC Integrated 2035 Facilities Board. We will find someplace to display it so we can be reminded of what the future plans are to come as Clovis continues to grow. To remind ourselves that we are planning for more space and to move towards a functional facilities model that we can all work towards and be proud of. Hold on there is hope for some relief for everyone being on top of each other and in survival mode. Hold on!

I came back to town on Saturday and replaced all 4 of my tires and the battery in my key fob did my household chores, caught up on emails, and enjoyed the evening with Jade. We went on a wonderful evening walk as the night air was perfect as the sky was clear.

Sunday morning I went to church and then went to the final day of the Clovis Rodeo. I enjoyed my time with Machele as she joined me for the rodeo and the dinner after. Hats off to the incredible showing of our ambassadors and the work of Emilee and her Outreach team. The Clovis Booth looked great. I can count on our table always being second to none. Our Outreach team is phenomenal. They have been out and about everywhere. Please stop by and tell them thank you as they have been stretched thin these past few weeks. Well done everyone and I hope you can get some relief.

On Monday morning I had President’s Cabinet and we talked about finishing the semester. The Chancellor’s Cabinet was via Zoom, and we did a debriefing on the Board Retreat, reviewed the Board agenda, and reviewed the Communications Council agenda.

On Tuesday morning, We had the Communications Council meeting at the District Office. As this was our last meeting for the year. There was breakfast provided. We started the meeting with an overview of Diligent, the BoardDoc platform that the District is transitioning to in order to provide a better product than the current BoardDoc product. We spent considerable time reviewing the items on the Board agenda and talking about the AR and BP process, concerns, and issues. We ran over time, so unfortunately, I was late for the Health Wellness Vending Machine Sneak Peek. Bonnie had to stand in for me (I told you – please go by and check on Bonnie). I made it there after it was over, but I had the opportunity to see the vending machine. It is pretty, quite pleasing to the eye. And, I got to talk to Naomi about all the items in the machine and what a resource this machine will be for our students.

I met with the VPs and Stephanie to review their UP plans, to provided feedback, and to complete my part and provide my approval. At the end of the day, I had the pleasure of attending the First Annual Clovis Got Talent. And yes, Clovis got lots of talent! This was a wonderful collaborative effort with Tony, our choir, the Communication Faculty, ASG, and Student Activities. We had Anna, Tony, Jeremiah, and another student serving as judges. The student MCs were fabulous. It was a great event and a great way to end the day.

On Wednesday, I recorded words for events that I will not be able to attend as I love to be there but unfortunately cannot. I drove to The 35th Annual Fresno County Court School PTA Spaghetti Luncheon with David Navarro. This is my second year attending this event and I am so very thankful to David for inviting me last year. And, I was looking forward to attending the event again this year. I had the pleasure of serving as a “celebrity server.” It was a great event and I enjoyed seeing the students and all of the support across the county. When I returned to campus, I had the opportunity to go to the Spring Extravaganza. I was able to enjoy the last hour and a half. I talked to the vendors, did the 360 picture with Jake, and seriously considered getting on the Bull. I was too short to make a real attempt. Then I felt my pocketbook vibrate. I ignored it. I probably should not have done that. Then moments later, my pocketbook vibrated again. There had been text messages and calls. Poor Bonnie was trying to hunt me down. I was late for a meeting with Monica – I told you to check up on Bonnie. I gave her a hard time. She then had to make me finish the meeting I was late for in order to get to the tenured faculty celebration.

I had the honor of making it to the second annual new tenured faculty reception. To see everyone there taking the time to speak to the tenured faculty reminded me of just what a great place this is and how you work together to provide support, encouragement, and opportunities to develop and grow. It was an extra special celebration for me because two things came to light. All of this cohort of newly tenured faculty spent the majority of their time together via Zoom as they started during COVID. It was special to see them in the same room together. They made it 😊. I was also made aware that newly tenured faculty Christina Wells made history by being the first African American woman to earn tenured at Clovis Community College. That is both encouraging and worthy of reflection on where we have been and where we are yet to go. She is a trailblazer and I am so very proud of her. Congratulation Christina. All have already played an integral role in moving the college forward and I am thankful that they have chosen to share their discipline expertise and commitment to student success and excellence at Clovis.

I left the newly tenured faculty reception and went to the annual Kiwanis Torch of Excellence Ceremony. Kiwanis gave each college in the District a check for $1500. And, we honored all of our student-athletes. I gave out 30 Presidents medals. Dr. Ortez placed the medals on all student-athletes who had a 3.2-3.5 GPA. The Chancellor gave the medals to students who had a perfect 4.0 GPA. James Sewell did a great job presenting the female and male athletes of the year. I thought I was at a roast because he talked about me being on the phone and James being a snazzy dresser. We had a great time. We had two tables filled with coaches and trainers (and soon-to-be son- Due 5/11!!!!). Our student speakers were the best. Our male student of the year decided to use that time to tell his mother that he was not in the dorm but had gotten an apartment with friends. We all held our breath but Mom was okay and very proud. Thanks to Kira, Lorrie, Ruben, Reynani, Cyndi, and Stephanie in addition to the best coaches and trainers in the district for coming out to support our students.

On Thursday morning, I started my day by attending the Fresno City Council meeting where I had the honor of supporting the Asian American community as they were presented with a proclamation for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. I then attended the reception at the Fresno Center where Bonnie was recognized. They served food representing the heterogeneous areas of the Asian American community. I had sushi made fresh right there. Everything was so good and it was nice to be there with Bonnie and her husband to celebrate her. I left the Fresno Center and attended the Empty Bowl event. Here we brought light to the issues around food insecurity. Our Crush Food Pantry serves 2500 students a month…phenomenal. The need is real and I am so very proud that we provide this basic need resource. I was able to share this event with Sasha, Bonita, Lorrie, and several students who helped in the Pantry.

I started my Friday at the May Fresno Compact Board meeting. This was a great meeting. We got updates from the Governor’s office regarding education. Still no changes in the budget information. But they told us about the goals and priorities of the State Board of Education. They are looking for more accountability with regard to funding. Also, providing data to demonstrate the efficacy of programs will be a priority. They also want more data on expenditures. We will be required to provide more evidence and data-based outcomes. I then returned to campus to host Senator Grove as she presented the proclamation of my being named Woman of the Year. I was moved to tears and am so very grateful to be able to serve each of you. I accepted the recognition only as the spokesperson for all of you whom I have the pleasure of representing and serving. Thank you all for holding me accountable and providing me with opportunities to hear you and to help you use your voices. You mean the world to me. And, the Senator prayed for me!!!!!! This is when I lost it and I was so very moved by everyone who came up to the podium to speak. I was also moved by the number of people who watched via Facebook Live and then took the time to send emails. Thank you all and I love you so. After that, I caught up on paperwork and emails. I ended my day by attending the Bishop’s Ball in honor of the coronation of Bishop Binion being elevated to Bishop at West Side Church.

On Saturday, I started my day at the Women’s Prayer Breakfast, which I attended with Caryss, Sasha, Aikya, Clark -Lauren, Dr. Gowdy, Deborah Lewis, and one of our students, Myles. After the Breakfast, I stopped by and supported the STOP the B.E.S.T. I Black Excellence in STEM Concert. And I ended my day attending the Debutante Ball sponsored by the IOTA Phi Lambda Sorority. Joining me at the table were Clark-Lauren, Dr. Gowdy, June Boyce, and Deborah Lewis.

And on Sunday, after church, I will rest and relax with Jade. But its also Cinco de Mayo!!! Soooo there may be Mexican food involved!

It was a full week. I pray that you will have joy, calm, and a relaxing weekend. Take time for yourself to refresh and rejuvenate. We need you.

Please be on the lookout for a survey that Nico created. He has been working hard to develop a survey to start our strategic planning process. Please note this is just a way to start the conversation. We will delve more deeply into it in the fall. The survey will be sent via email from Bonnie.

Please hug someone and make their day and your day both a better place.

So grateful for you.

Proud to be in service,

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.