Week of April 15, 2024

Hi Clovis Fam,

I am so very revived and encouraged this week. I finished last week, Friday, once again having seen the CLOVIS Spirit at work. Seeing us taking the time to live our mission of “creating opportunities, one student at a time.” And seeing us serve with a focus on humanity, kindness, and putting the holistic needs of our students first and at the center and core of our everything. I am so very proud to serve you as you embody all that is right in our world.

On Friday, we had a serious student issue. The team that worked tirelessly well into the night to serve our student were: Ashlee Hicky, Amy Peterson, Bill Kerney, Daine Schoenberg, Rebecca Kinlow, Alyssa Talbot, Carla Stoner, Bonita Gomez, Machele Gonzalvez, Whitney Menefee, Ruben Diaz, Madison Burrow, Rachel Moring Gracia, Kelly Tabay, Diana Salas, Alicia Diaz Wrest and Kira Tippins. They had the “I CAN DO attitude and in the words of the great poet, the Cable Guy…“Git Her Done” ( Arkansas proud lol). And they got her done. There was no, “it’s not my job” or “we can’t do this.” They figured it out and took care of our student.

On Sunday, I enjoyed a quiet day after church, spent just relaxing with my dog on a nice cool rainy day.

On Monday, I had my regular President’s Meeting. Dr. Goldsmith joined us and we talked about our upcoming listening sessions and improvements to cross-college communications.

I then met with her for my regular monthly meeting. We talked briefly about personnel and staffing needs. She was on her way to Sacramento because just Wednesday night we were informed that Chairman Fong and the Committee supported Soria’s AB 2104. It passed 10-0-1 ( abstention). This bill will be crucial in addressing the healthcare workforce shortage and improving nursing education accessibility.

During Chancellor’s Cabinet, we talked about the KPI-Persistence presentation for our Board Retreat. We talked about process improvements to the current reimbursement process. I am confident that with the new Vice Chancellor El Fattal, Andy Dunn, and Don Lopez there will be some improvements in the workflow and timeliness of the receipt of the reimbursements. We also revisited the discussion of the implementation of credit card usage. We also discussed BPs and ARs. Specifically, we discussed the ability of people to teach and the issues with labor laws when having two assignments within the same district. This topic will continue to be reviewed by legal. Lastly, we discussed the increase in healthcare costs and the potential to change providers. There have been discussions of this with the unions with the goal of having a proposed plan to present at the May Board meeting.

On Tuesday, I held VPC Meeting, and I reviewed all the items from Chancellor’s Cabinet with the VPs so that they could disseminate the information to their teams. After, I had the esteem honor of hosting our first Clovis Classified Professional of the Year Finalist reception (those who were nominated for CP of the Year at Mega-Conference). We celebrated all the great work of Howard, Leslie, Jake, Tyler, and Natalie. They were recognized for their high level of professionalism, their collegiality in working with everyone across campus and for being student-centered. Most of all, they were recognized because their peers and I see just how much they add value to our very existence. It was great to see faculty and classified professionals there to celebrate them and it was even more fulfilling to see their colleagues take the time to tell them how much they are appreciated. After celebrating the CP Finalist, I had the pleasure of attending the first annual A Taste of Asia. Maricarmen and everyone did a fabulous job. It looked and smelled like a wonderful engaging event. Students were out and about playing volleyball and other outdoor games. The new Clovis canopies were beautiful. Great job to grounds, facilities and student activities for making that such a wonderful event. I ended my day with the ECE Finalists Interviews and I want to thank the committee for all the dedication and hard work that they committed to bring forward the stellar finalists.

On Wednesday, I spent all day in Economics Finalists Interviews and once again I was thoroughly impressed with the work of the committee and the robust deliberation following the interviews. The finalists brought forward were stellar and I am grateful for the intentionality that everyone put towards interviewing the candidates. I then ended the day attending the Second Annual Willow Poetry Reading Series. Oh my goodness!!!!! First and foremost the organization and collaborative showcasing of bringing faculty (English and Library Departments), Student Services, Marketing, Facilities, IT, the AANHPI Workgroup, the Business Office, and PR exemplified the level of excellence that I know will continue to be the norm. It showcased the true Clovis Spirit that I have come to expect and appreciate. There were no silos and the focus was on excellence as we first and foremost place our students first and central to everything. The community came out! And marveled at the food and the program. I was thankful to Von for reading our Land Acknowledgement. It touched my heart and warmed my very soul as we intentionally pay homage to where we are and the people whose land this college sits on. Bringing attention to our AANHPI cultures through the spoken word as a tribute to the upcoming Asian American Heritage Month was greatly appreciated. Lastly, the three distinguished poets: Brynn Saito, Janice Lobo Sapigao, and Juan Felipe Herra (the 21st Poet Laureate of the United States and the first Latino to hold the position) graced us with their presence. There are no words. They made us feel. They made us think and reflect. They shared their deepest innermost and barred their souls. They showed vulnerability. They engaged us and made us laugh and smile. They brought us into their authentic voices and inspired us. It was a wonderful evening. I also received an email from James Sewell showing pictures of our student-athletes spending time at Diamond Learning Center. He said that the kids were all over Coach CJ and he probably signed 300 autographs. CJ’s humble and caring spirit is most amazing as he is one of the world's elite runners and he gives all of himself to our students and to the kids.

On Thursday, when I came into my office, I saw a note from Trustee Ikeda. She has a $1500 donation to give to the Counseling Department from CHSU. It already started off as a good day. Others are seeing our great work and want to be a part of the growth. We are also blessed to have Trustee Ikeda as one of our biggest advocates. In the morning, I held the President’s Small Council and then went to the CUSD Foundation Luncheon. I returned and went to the College Council. I ended the day by giving a presentation of both the District and College to the Clovis Democratic Club.

On Friday, I was in interviews all day again. This time it was for the English Instructor positions. Then we had the opportunity to celebrate our Psych and Health Services Department. That would be Naomi, Tabatha, and Debbie for their work with students and both their physical health and behavioral health needs. Tabatha and her team also extended themselves to both Reedley and Madera during their recent student losses.

Well, family, this is the end of our week. As always I want to thank you for giving yourselves so unselfishly. You are truly amazing human beings. It shows and it makes a difference in our culture and experiences. Always, always seek to find opportunities. Always, always seek to find the good in people and we can be the change we want to see in the world.

Enjoy your weekend, rest and relax, and take time to cherish your family and friends. Come back to me well-rested and ready to take on another week.

In service,

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.