Week of January 22, 2024

Hi Clovis Fam,

How is everyone doing (at the time of reading this week’s reflection)? I truly hope each and every one of you took time to rejuvenate. I hope that each of you use your weekends to strengthen family bonds and take time to remember the importance of family bonds. This is especially important for those of us who either have aging parents or are building foundations with young children or with those preparing to being empty nesters as sons and daughters prepare to leave for college or marriage. Let’s not take for granted the time we have to make meaningful differences.

As you know my weekly reports usually start on Saturday as I send out my reflections on Friday afternoon, and I am still engaging and being involved in the community on weekends. Well, this Saturday, I had the most fun ever making fleece blankets with high school kids from the Interconnect club from Central High and the Rotarians. Our own newly hired colleague at the Herndon Campus invited me. I spent 3 hours with the most incredible high school freshman making blankets from beginning to end and I enjoyed listening to their career goals and life dreams. A special thank you to Cameron, who is their advisor and a member of the Rotary Club, for inviting me.

I left at noon, went home, changed clothes, and headed to Madera to attend the Black Woman Organized for Political Action Champagne and Tea social. I went from my very comfortable Clovis sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes to my not as comfortable Clovis blue sequin bomber jacket, black pants, and top and black pumps. Also, mind you, I am diabetic so I could not have any champaign or wine. So, I had tea (I put my little pinky out to act classy). There were quite a few elected officials there and some had seen me the prior weekend out and about during the various MLK events where I spoke. This may be good since I am going to Sacramento for a legislative conference on Sunday and Monday. We will be talking specifically about CTE and the 50% law. Now my being at the social this past weekend may act against me because I kinda acted up during a live auction bidding on a picture of Vice President Karmala Harris. I won the picture and as the bidding got intense and people were screaming, I had a flash back to another event where the bidding got out of hand (me against Jami De La Cerda) and Clark-Lauren, Teresa, people from Senator Shannon Groves’ Office, CCC students and others were welling at me to stop. This time, they were not there to stop me lol. It made for good drama.

Sunday morning was a relaxed day. I walked Jade and I went to church. It appears that I was on the front page of the Fresno Bee because several of my church members ran to me to give me a copy of the paper. That was really nice especially since I had not seen it in print. I had dinner plans but got a last-minute call stating the wife had just tested positive for COVID 30 minutes earlier. So, I took the opportunity to just chill.

Monday was an average day. In the morning, I had Presidents Council. It was only me and Dr. Reyna so we didn’t talk about anything too serious. Later in the afternoon, I went to the Chancellors’ Cabinet and we reviewed the enrollments (which continue to look good). We talked about KPI and Ag Tec and how Clovis is ahead of the other colleges in implementation. Way to go everyone, especially Matthew for taking lead on this initiative. We reviewed ARs and BPs, and we also talked about Guided Pathways and upcoming conferences. We finished at about 5:30 p.m. and then I went home to do a walk through with my new dog sitter in preparation for my Sacramento trip.

On Tuesday, I relayed the Chancellor’s Cabinet information to the Interim VP and VPs. We also talked about the AC3 building and the next phases of moves after AC3 is completed. What are our required/obligational needs and what rooms will be vacated. We discussed budgets and professional development needs/requests. We then celebrated Lorrie Hopper’s Birthday. In the afternoon, I had the pleasure of attending the annual Welcome Black event. It was an excellent event. Sasha, Caryss, and Gurdeep did an excellent job of organizing and leading the event. Several employees attended and students also attended. They talked about the resources available to students and all the wonderful activities scheduled for Black History month. Following the Welcome Black event, I went to the CUSD Annual Career and Technical event. Clovis was there in full force! Emilee did a great job organizing as always. She had students, Classified Professionals, and Deans on hand to help talk to students and parents. When I arrived, our table was swamped with people, and it was nice to see all the wonderful bright green Clovis bags all over the room.

Now Wednesday started off with a roar. Around 5 a.m., I received an email alerting SCCCD PD that someone attempted to steal the EECU ATM machine. When I arrived at campus in the morning, I was informed that there was an ambulance on campus. As I entered my office area, I saw our SCCCD PD with a young woman. It appeared that as she was riding her bike to school, she was hit by a car. I was so very glad she was okay. But you know, I saw the Clovis Spirit again. Her instructor, Stephen Dents, was by her side all while our PD were asking if she needed medical attention. Rosanne was helping. Machele was helping. You all are the most caring and compassionate group of people that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Thank you for continuing to put our students first.

Later that morning I recorded a short video for the students at Ericson Elementary School (6th grade class). I was contacted by Kristin Hernandez (wife of our very own Assistant Woman’s Soccer Coach Erik Hernandez) to send a message to the students for their Celebrating Black Excellence event. She asked me to talk to them about who I was, my journey, struggles, accomplishments and to provide them with words of encouragement. I enjoyed preparing this video for these kids. I also look forward to encouraging young people on the importance to being your own authentic self and always believing in yourself even when others may not.

In the afternoon, I had Pizza with the Presidents and enjoyed sharing the time with ASG President Jeremiah Lopez. The students had several great questions, and we actually ran out of time. I was very impressed with the level of engagement. They asked about DEIA initiatives, environmental and recycling, and they asked about resources and support for students with financial resources concerns. They asked several questions regarding financial aid regulations, for example, requirements for work study and regulations for receiving financial aid if you are a STEM major and need to exceed the number of hours allowed for financial aid. They asked about student activities and engagement opportunities including internship and volunteer/community service. After Pizza with the Presidents, we held our Integrated 2035 Clovis Planning meeting. Here we continued to discuss the plan for future buildings, landscaping and connecting roadways. We also continued to talk about our “front door”. What can we do to make sure that students know where to come to for help when they first arrive on campus.

On Thursday, I had a meeting with the California Medical Scholars Program – UCSF Fresno. We talked specifically about the College and Post Baccalaureate Health Pathways – SJV Med Bridge Program of which we are currently a part of. This is a premedical outreach program that supports community college students in the valley. They provide $500 stipend as well as clinical learning and community engagement opportunities. Our numbers for cohort 2 are considerable larger than last year’s numbers. Clovis has seen great growth in the number of our students taking advantage of this program. Way to go everyone involved in providing our students with access to this program.

In the afternoon, I went to the Clovis Chamber Salute to Business Awards luncheon and following people joined me at our table: Rich Mostert, Trustee Ikeda, Lorrie Hopper, Stephanie Babb, Shannon Major representing Senator Shannon Groves’ office, and Peter Halajian, representing Assemblymember Jim Patterson’s Office. It was an excellent show of community support of our College. Thanks to Stephanie for setting this up. We were also able to provide Clovis items for Senator Groves’ office to her representative. Before Winter Break, she had asked me for items to decorate her Fresno office when I went to her holiday event. So, in her office, next to the Fresno State swags will be CLOVIS!!!!

After I returned from the Salute to Business Awards, I came back to prepare to meet and strategize with those who wanted to participate in the Interim Dean of Student Services process. We reviewed the job description and developed a rubric of skills and characteristics important for the position. Review of applicant documents occurred, and decision was made regarding the next steps.

I then changed clothes; took off my suit and put on my cowgirl boots, vest and cowgirl hat and went to the Clovis Rodeo Sponsor Appreciation Reception and had Machele as my plus one. It was nice to see how special the Rodeo is to the Clovis community, and I am proud that we are a sponsor.

On Friday, I was on a zoom meeting with ACCJC with our peer review team to prepare for our site visit for College of Redwood. I am serving as the Co-Chair of the committee. I then took three ASG officers with me to meet with Senator Butler at the West Fresno Center Campus. I was joined by ASG President Jeremiah Lopez, VP of External Affairs Emma Bashiri, and Secretary Gursimrat Singh Grewal. I am always most proud when I get to share my time with students and to have them get to meet and talk to Senator Butler is a wonderful learning opportunity for them.

On Saturday, I picked up my rental car so that I could drive to Sacramento for the Legislative Conference. And on Sunday, I drove to Sacramento.

I look forward to getting back to campus on Tuesday. Please know that as I am away, always thinking of my Clovis fam and hoping that you all have a happy and safe weekend filled with rest and relaxation as well as time with family and friends.

I wish you well and am thankful for the opportunity to serve you.

In service,

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.