Week of January 8, 2024

Hi Clovis Fam,

This was a challenging week. I am so hopeful that you all had a restful weekend in preparation for the first week of classes and the unexpected issues and drama that were awaiting some of us. As I prepare to tell you about this week, I want to start by saying to you, “Thank you,” for being strong, compassionate, kind, and supportive of each other. You showed up and showed out when it counted, and I couldn’t be prouder. Just like a functional family, we may get into it with each other, and I am asking that we do so in a respectful and civil manner reflective of the collegiality expected and required of the intellectual professionals that I have come to appreciate. Understand, nobody better mess with one of the family and think it’s going to be okay. To that end, I am looking to put into place mediation training to help when conflicts arise and avail myself to assist with professional discourse when the parties need an objective voice. I am a certified and trained mediator.

Now, let me tell you about this week.

It actually started last Saturday morning when I received a text from Lorrie informing me that the demolition crew had not finished demolishing the restrooms. We were told that this should take 2 days. So, they started on Tuesday and were to be finished on Wednesday. Then as anyone who has done any remodeling knows, they always take longer than scheduled. They did not finish on time but were told to come back on Friday. Well, they didn’t finish on Friday either. So, at 7:30 am, I get a text. Guess who showed up in her LSU sweats, with no make-up and different hair? You guessed it - President-ator!!!!! LOL. You should have seen their faces. All I did was ask when they would be finished, and I told them that I would be here until then. They finished at 11 am. Understand, the demolition noise was not going to be allowed on the first day of classes. As I was leaving campus, I saw people looking for their classes and spent time talking to them. Note-they were able to get into AC1 to find their classes because the doors were open where the demolition crew was working. It turns out that one of the families I talked to knows our donor Adam Macy-Ayotte. We talked about toilet seat shaped line makers---what a small world.

I left the college, changed my clothes, and met with a friend to see Janice Ledgerwood’s wonderful woman empowered art show called Which Side Are You on Now? There is something about seeing muses and descriptions of wax 3D printed woman figurines that’s both stimulating and empowering. I am thankful for the powerful display of womanhood. Thanks Kirt and Leslie for being there to support our art faculty family.

On Monday, I had the pleasure of getting to campus at 7:30am. I couldn’t sleep because I was so excited for the first day of classes. It was a little chilly, I saw students all bundled up like they were at the North Pole, and I saw others in shorts and flip flops. I wondered where the ones in shorts and flip flops were from…the Midwest, East Coast, the mountains, someplace where it gets cold? I had a great time talking to the students and welcoming them while encouraging them to have a great first day. Emilee and her team were all set up welcoming students and helping them find their classes. I saw the IT people helping students find classes as well. In AC2, Interim VPSS Kira was dealing with internet and phone issues. At the Open Computer Lab, there were students, and there were a couple of students at the Tutorial Center. Also, Channel 30 came on campus and interviewed Emilee. She is natural and did us proud. Stephanie did a great job making sure that we had fabulous posting and media coverage. Way to go Clovis!!!!!

On Monday night, I went to the Clovis City Council meeting. They signed a resolution proclaiming January as antislavery and trafficking month. They had a presentation about closing Shaw Avenue between DeWolf and Leonard for 18 months to 2 years. Business owners and residents were not happy with this closure plan. When I left the meeting at 10:45pm, they were still at it. I’ve since been told that the decision was made not to close Shaw Avenue! They were instructed to work together to make the required road improvements without closing Shaw Avenue.

Tuesday was the SCCCD Board meeting. The Board President asked that I lead the pledge of allegiance. I want to thank those of you who attended the Board meeting to support the appointment of Kira as our Interim VPSS. A special thank you to Teresa and Caryss for supporting her. I want to also thank Board member Debbie Ikeda for publicly showing her support for Kira’s appointment. The Board supported the appointment of Kira. I finished at 8:30pm because we were asked to stay through closed session.

On Wednesday, I started my day at the District Office for the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration interviews. I then came back to the office wearing my mask as I was informed that I had been in close contact with someone who tested positive by someone who tested positive for COVID. When I returned to campus, I met with Clark- Lauren and Dr. Larry Riley, a faculty member from Fresno State, regarding improving our partnership for transferring African American students in STEM to Fresno State. We talked about community partnerships and outreach efforts and hosting Healthcare STEM transfer days in the spring and fall. Clark-Lauren did a fabulous job in looking at all the internal resources and her own strong community partners. Dr Larry Riley of Black Excellence in Science and Technology is leading the efforts to have a Science Day in April during Black Student Success Week and during Transfer Day in the fall to encourage our African American students.

After I finished my meeting with Clark-Lauren and Dr. Riley, I had the opportunity to talk to the students in the Speech and Debate Club. I enjoyed being able to encourage and support them and to reinforce the importance of debate skills for life post college. After I left the Speech and Debate students, I went to a business meeting for the Soroptimist International. We will be hosting their scholarship award ceremony again this year since most of the recipients last year were our students. But this year we will be hosting their conference for women and girls. This is an outstanding outreach and recruitment opportunity. Gurdeep worked with me back in the fall to set this up.

On Thursday morning I attended the West Fresno Ministerial Alliance MLK Prayer Breakfast. I returned to campus and taped a welcome for the CCC film showing of the Selma to Montgomery movie showing since I was scheduled to be in an all-day interview at the District Office. Since I am from Montgomery, I have historical connections to this march and to MLK. On Thursday evening, I attended the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools MLK Essay Contest Reception at the Clovis Veteran Memorial District. It was amazing to see all the wonderful works of our future generations.

Today (Friday), I spent all day in interviews at the District Office. After, in the evening, I will be attending the City of Fresno MLK Community Award Program and Reception where the President Emeritus from Moorehouse College in Atlanta is the Keynote Speaker. Tomorrow, on Saturday, I am the Keynote Speaker at the City of Clovis Annual Community MLK Breakfast and will talk about my part in helping to get the holiday passed. On Sunday, I will give another MLK keynote speech in Madera where I will talk about my families’ involvement with Dr. King, the Civil Rights movement, bus boycott, and the desegregation of the University of Alabama. On Sunday night I will attend the Fresno MLK Countdown to King Concert and Rally. And on Monday, I will participate in the MLK Community March and the MLK program in Downtown Fresno.

These were the first events that I attended when I first arrived in Clovis last year, so they are special to me and I am looking forward to being a part of the local celebration of Dr. King. As you prepare for your holiday weekend, please be reminded of what he stood for. Be reminded that it’s not just a day off, it is a day to reflect upon your role in social justice and community responsibility. Be reminded that you have a role in making a difference. Be the change you want to see in the world ~ Gandi.

See you Tuesday. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.

In service,

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.