Week of January 1, 2024

Hi Clovis Fam,

Welcome forward everyone!!!! I mentioned that I learned a new term earlier this week and I have decided to embrace it. Nate told me “Welcome forward” when I greeted him with “Welcome back” on Tuesday. He said that in the new year, we will not look back but look forward and that is why he greets people with the phrase “Welcome forward”. So, to you I say, “Welcome forward,” as we returned from our holiday break well rested and well fed, filled with joy of having quality time with family and friends and prepared to start 2024 filled with high expectations and hope for our college and students. Even though I mentioned some pending concerns coming our way, I stand optimistic in what Clovis will be doing in this upcoming year. When I saw each of you this week, I saw smiles and looks of people ready, willing and passionate about serving our students. I literally walked around all week proud to be here and proud to serve you. Thank you for the opportunity.

This weekly email will be mostly reflective in nature since we were off the week prior. Let me start by telling you that I spent my week off eating, sleeping, eating some more and sleeping some more. I got up every morning and enjoyed quality time outside, at the park and walking my dog. She was so sad when Tuesday came, and she saw me in something other than sweats. I did some “nesting” which was nice to do some deep cleaning of my house and to move summer clothes to the back of the closet and move more fall/winter clothes closer for easier access.

I did not leave town but still spent time with family and friends via FaceTime and text. My parents celebrated their 63rd year wedding anniversary and I am so blessed that my dad (age 88) and my mom (age 85) are still living on their own and doing well. Mom didn’t decorate the house this year, so I sent her 10 red poinsettias. She complained about the cost and how much I must have spent on delivery charges alone. I told her that I ordered them from the local Home Depot and there was no delivery charges. She said, “You are just saying that to not have me worry.” No matter how old you get, your parents never want you to spend too much money on them. I then sent roses to the house for their anniversary, and I got fussed at again. I figured I was already in trouble so might as well go for it. It made them smile and gave them something to tell their friends about. I’m the one that doesn’t listen. 😊

Some of you found out that I didn’t leave town and sent me homemade pozole. Oh, my goodness!!!! I ate well and absolutely enjoyed that. My neighbors saw me walking my dog (Jade) and brought me over a plate on Christmas Eve. And, then I went to Christmas dinner with some of my church members. Ya’ll, I ate well!

I celebrated New Year’s Eve with my daughters on the east Coast and then again here on Pacific Time. Now, as an African American from the south, there is a traditional New Year’s Day meal. So, my daughters and I started cooking on Saturday before new year’s. The meal consists of black eye peas, collard green, corn bread and some type of meat (historically pork). I believe it is pork due to most people being poor and pork meat was the cheapest to get and was also used to season the peas and greens. The reason we eat these foods is to bring prosperity to the family in the new year. The black eye peas represent coins/change and the greens, which you are to eat whole, represent dollar bills. As you may recall, I had a hard time finding black eye peas when I moved here this time last year. I was asking people at the DMV, asking neighbors, asking people in Walmart. I almost left!!! What do you mean, I cant find my traditional foods. I even talked about it during a board meeting in February when we talked about recruitment of people from diverse backgrounds as it is important to know my needs outside of the workspace for not only that “I am my hair” but “I am what I eat”. 😊 At any rate, I found black eye peas at Save Mart (recall there are no Vons or Save Marts in Illinois, Arkansas or Louisiana so even knowing what stores are what was an ordeal. None the less I found everything easily this year and my daughters and I cooked together Saturday. My older daughter announced on Sunday that she had ate her New Year’s Day meal for breakfast and that she “put her foot in those black eye peas.” Since I have discovered that many people in Fresno have family that migrated from the south and perhaps Arkansas specifically, you all know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, ask me or someone and we will gladly give you a lesson in southern traditions. The other tradition that we have is that you should not wash clothes on New Year’s Day. While I was at the dog park on New Year’s Day, one of the dog owners mentioned that she was going to wash her uniform that day to get ready for her work week. The entire dog park screamed at her telling her, “NO!” Found out most were from the south. She never heard of the tradition, I’ll find out tomorrow if she followed what we told her and chose not to wash her clothes on New Year’s Day. Tradition has it that If you wash clothes on New Year’s Day, you will be washing behind a loved one who has passed way during the year. It is always interesting to me to know the traditional and cultural influences of each and every groups as I find similarities and interesting differences.

Now, on December 26th, I had the great idea to come to the office to get some things done for serving as the chair of an ACCJC team. When I got here, I went to three different doors and my fob would not open any doors. They had this place locked down like Fort Knox!!!! Knowing that Teng and his team were coming in to do maintenance work in preparation for the start of the Spring semester, I wanted to get this done before they started and did not want to be in their way. Since I made the trip in my sweats and no makeup, I was determined to get it done. So, I called the non-emergency number and told them my situation. They could see that I attempted 3 different doors but did not realize that I was not in the building. They were able to remotely open the doors. The sound of the doors being unlocked from a remote source was louder than I could have ever imagined. This was probably due to the fact that the building was completely empty, and the noise of unlocking doors rang through the entire building. I think they must have opened every door at AC1 to make sure that I could get in. Then I had them lock all the doors back to make sure that I did not forget and leave any doors open during the break. Always an adventure.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I came and I was doing a lot of paperwork and stuff to catch up from emails that I missed while off. I did enjoy walking around and welcoming all my fabulous dye heart Classified Professional and administrators forward. I enjoyed spending time with each of you asking how your break was and finding out what you did. I enjoyed spending my time at Herndon with all of you too.

Also, on Tuesday and Wednesday, we started the very loud demolition of the restroom near AC1-150. It caused us to have to work together as a team to make sure that there was as little disruption to Extreme Reg as possible. Emilee and her crew and all the VPs worked together to come up with a plan when we discovered that the demolition would not be completed by Wednesday. We asked that they not work on Thursday as to not disrupt Opening Day. And we had to move Crush Day to a new location (originally scheduled for AC1-150) due to the noise caused by removing sheet rock.

Thursday was Opening Day and I was thrilled to see all of the smiling faces of faculty as they came in, some even arrived before 8 am. I made the mistake of asking how your week off was, and they quickly reminded me that they were off for three weeks. I love quick witted and sarcastic comebacks. 😊 I was thrilled to see the Library and Art Department get recognized for the TNT Award. Your love and respect for you colleagues warms my very soul and continues to make me proud. Thank you also for applauding the first presentation of your new Interim VPSS. Kira deserves all of your love and support. Thank you for showing it during Opening Day. I enjoyed spending lunch time sitting and talking with STEM faculty. Talking about science, things we should not have done but are alive to tell and it talking about kids and the birth of first born sons. Since I am a person from the south the culture of eating together is one that I embrace as an important time for socializing and bonding.

I especially appreciated Galin doing a 3-minute relaxation therapy session following lunch. I needed it a lot because I was still eating a lot like I had been since Thanksgiving. Eating and sleeping. When he said we were going to do the relaxation, I was so happy that I stretched out and got real comfortable. He then said for us to sit up and place our hands on our legs. This is the only reason I did not go to sleep. Thanks, Galin. I will include a 3-minute relaxation session in future Opening Days following lunch. Some of you heard me talk about adding an hour siesta. Still open for conversations on that one. 😊

The Academic Senate session was wonderfully filled with valuable information. I enjoyed the Accreditation workshops and the division meetings. Thank you all for your participation and contribution to Opening Day. I have also been made aware of some of your thoughts and concerns and as always, I appreciate the feedback.

On Friday, I gave a welcome presentation for the Tutors Orientation, as well as a welcome to our new students and their supporting friends and families for our Crush Days. Both events were well done as our first class professionals truly are student centered and top notch.

As I close this reflection and activities update, I want to give a shout out to a job well done to the Outreach Team and Counselors for their outstanding work for Extreme Reg. Here are the numbers that I sent to the District Office:

  • Clovis total numbers for extreme reg for ½ and 1/3 were 688.
  • Reedley total numbers for extreme reg for ½ and 1/3 were 291.
  • Madera total numbers for extreme reg for ½ and 1/3 were 310.
  • FCC total numbers for extreme reg for ½ and 1/3 were 1953.


As I stated before on Opening Day, this is why we recognized Outreach and Counseling in the Fall. They are rock stars and passionate about providing quality recruitment and support to our students. Hands down outstanding!!!

Thank you all for a great first week back and I am looking forward with pride and expectations of a fabulous spring semester because of all that you do and because of who you are individually and collectively. You have the Clovis Crush Spirit.

Get some rest and come back Monday ready to Crush It.

Thank you and after a year, I am more proud than ever to serve you as your president.

In service,

Kim E. Armstrong, Ph.D.