Institutional Effectiveness Reports
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2022-2023
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2021-2022
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2020-2021
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2019-2020
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2018-2019
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2017-2018
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2016-2017
- Institutional Effectiveness Report - 2015-2016
The Clovis Community College Institutional Effectiveness Report, provided by the Office of Institutional Research, serves as a platform for the college’s assessment system, strategic planning, and program review.
The need for an effectiveness report emerged from discussions across a variety of initiatives that look at similar metrics such as Student Equity, SSSP, College Planning, and Program Review processes and contains indicators of the achievement set forth by the College’s Mission and Vision.
The primary purpose of the report is accountability and continuous quality improvement because measuring the overall effectiveness of the college is important to the success of our students and the vitality of our community.
Built on the premise that data-driven outcomes lead to more efficient and effective institutional practices and increased academic achievement, the Institutional Effectiveness Report serves as a data and information repository for planning, decision-making, and the overall growth of the college.
The following five chapters will be updated annually and new chapters added as needed.
Chapter 1: Condition of Our Environment
External service area scan, area high school information
Chapter 2: Characteristics of Clovis Community College Students
Enrollments by various demographic variables
Chapter 3: Clovis Community College Enrollment Trends
Unduplicated headcount, FTEs, enrollment status, SRPs, unit load, delivery type
Chapter 4: Student Success and Retention
Course success and retention rates, special programs course success and retention rates, program completion
Chapter 5: California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Data (Scorecard or Student Success Metrics)
Persistence/retention, completion, math/English completion, CTE