Staying On Course August 2018

Change = Opportunities for Reflection and Growth

"A change will do you good," is the title and chorus of one of Sheryl Crow's popular songs. Do you agree with her? Do people automatically view change in a positive way? Is it the fear of something new or the loss of the status quo that often gives the idea of change a bad reputation? From becoming a center to a college, increasing student enrollment every year, increasing the number faculty and staff members, transferring more students to universities, nearly doubling our awarded degrees from last year to faculty, staff, and administrators retiring or moving on, and legislation creating additional concerns for English, reading, and mathematics faculty, Clovis Community College is always in a state of change in some form. People don't always like it, but change often gives us an opportunity to reflect.

As the semester comes to a close and you are busy grading final exams, projects, essays, or preparing for commencement, can you spare a little bit of time to stop and reflect on how your semester or academic year went? What are the successes for you as an instructor/ counselor/ staff member/ administrator? Celebrate those successes instead of letting that inner critic steal your victories no matter how large or small. Know that you made a difference in some way on this campus whether it was with students, colleagues, visitors, or everyone you encountered.

The next steps of reflection can be a little more difficult, but in the end can also be rewarding. Think about what you would like to change in order to improve your instruction, counseling of students, leadership on campus, relationships with colleagues, physical health, mental health, or anything else that will be beneficial to you, the students, and your colleagues. Susan Hansen, retired Library Services Assistant, always commented that in the beginning of the fall semester, she always noticed how relaxed and refreshed the faculty looked after a summer break. So, on that note, have a relaxing, adventurous, reflective, and rejuvenating summer break.

"Embrace change, even when the change slaps you in the face." Walter Breuning, supercentenarian
"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." Unknown

CCC Professional Book Club

The Fall 2018 CCC Professional Book Club selection is Teach Students How to Learn: Strategies You Can Incorporate Into Any Course to Improve Student Metacognition, Study Skills, and Motivation.
ISBN: 978-1620363164
Read the book over the summer and attend the Flex Day session for a robust discussion. Some of the ideas presented in the book are:

  1. Connections between motivation, emotions, and learning.
  2. The power of teaching Bloom's Taxonomy and the study cycle to students.
  3. Teaching underprepared students.
  4. Metacognitive learning strategies at work.

The library has a copy of the book and the first two people to e-mail Ann Brandon with the subject line Book Group will receive a copy of the book. Don't miss out.

Teach Students How to Learn

Upcoming Professional Development


Staying On Course in a Diverse World -Thursday, September 20th

In this 1-day workshop, participant s have the opportunity to increase their own awareness about concepts related to cultural and learning diversity through discussion and interaction, as well as to identify the conditions and strategies necessary to create relevant and engaging lessons that enable diverse students to learn well together. Participants also learn to use the On Course success principles and learner-centered instructional strategies to strengthen culturally responsive teaching skills. These principles and practices will help honor the cultural perspectives of each learner as she moves toward educational success.

This workshop is open to anyone who has completed an On Course I Workshop. Sign up here!

On Course Online - Fri/Sat., September 21-22

This workshop is geared for instructors who teach online, and hybrid classes and/or instructors who want to incorporate more online learning into existing face-to-face courses. In this active learning workshop setting, educators will explore how to strengthen the competencies of effective online learners, employ best practices in online learning, explore research on the characteristics of online learners, learn how to ensure regular, effective student contact, and strategize methods to more fully engage and motivate online learners.

Please note - these dates replace the original August dates. Sign up here!

On Course I Workshop - Thurs-Sat., September 27, 28, and 29

The On Course I Workshop is back on campus this fall semester. If previous OC I Workshops have not fit into your schedule, here is your chance to sign up (with plenty of time to plan ahead for your fall schedule).

This Workshop provides a foundation in learner-centered education as well as practical and proven educational strategies that participants can use immediately with their students. At the end of the workshop, participants develop a specific plan to implement one or more strategies learned in the workshop.

Sign up here!

English and Reading Instructors (FT and PT) Mark May 22-24, (9-2) on your calendars. The English and Reading Department is preparing a mini-conference in order to help prepare instructors to meet the challenges and changes that AB 70 5 legislation will bring. Look for fliers soon.

Active Learning Saturday Series -Are You Missing Out? The
Reviews Are In.

"I really enjoyed the Active Learning Saturday and simply would like to attend more of them!"

Amazing resource and amazing faculty participation. Left me feeling excited about incorporating some new (and let's be honest, better) teaching techniques and ways to connect with the students.

"This was a great opportunity to talk with other people that I have never met. It was very informational with a lot of adaptable teaching strategies that I could walk into the classroom and do the next day."