(Mon) December 10, 2018, 10:00am — 11:00am
This means everyone will be able to use the online collaborative features that are already built-in to your computers and allow you to access files securely through your college login.
The Office 365 suite of tools is big, really big. And it might seem like a lot to learn all at once, but we will be here to help you learn step-by-step.
Fortunately, your amazing Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) in cooperation with IT staff planned the following opportunities to help you connect and start to use your Office 365:
If you have a desktop computer, Clovis IT staff will stop by your office to ensure you can login to O365 and verify all your Office Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) work with your login.
Monday, December 10: 10 AM – 3 PM | AC1-Lobby or Your Office
We will be available to show you awesome things you can do with Office 365.
Bring your laptop.
We’ll get you logged in and on your way to greatness.
Clovis Campus (AC2-233)
A more in-depth training on Office 365 tools for the library team.
Clovis Campus (Library)
Your new Office 365 account includes 5 copies of Microsoft Office Pro for home use. So, you will have no need to purchase Office for your home or personal computers.