Club Kognito Contest

Student Club Competition

1st Prize - $500

2nd Prize - $400

3rd Prize - $300

4th Prize - $200

5th Prize - $100


Get students, faculty, and/or staff to complete the “Kognito At-Risk” interactive online training and obtain copies of their certificates of completion. The club with the most certificates, wins. Prize money will be deposited into club accounts.


  1. Improve Mental Health Awareness at Clovis Community College.
  2. Add to the caring culture of our campus by helping everyone to recognize and better support individuals experiencing distress and/or psychological suffering.
  3. Provide a fun and easy “fund-raising” opportunity for campus clubs.


  • Clovis Community College Active Minds Club
  • Clovis Community College Health and Psychological Services
  • Foundation of California Community Colleges


  • Must be a Clovis Community College Campus Club to enter.
  • Active Minds Club is sponsoring the event and is not eligible for participation.


  1. Contact the Clovis Health Office to register your club for the contest and receive the pledge form template, handouts for participants, and detailed contest rules
    AC2-274 West | Email:
  2. Have your club members reach out to everyone they know on campus to sign the pledge form and take the Kognito At-Risk training. Gather all certificates of completion.
  3. Tuesday, April 30th - Students, staff or faculty must turn in certificates to the club of their choice
  4. Friday, May 3rd at 3 PM - Club Advisors must turn in all contest paperwork and certificates they've collected to Health Services
  5. Tuesday, May 7th - Winners will be announced at the Spring Extravaganza

Contest Rules

Mandatory Steps

grayscale photo of person using MacBook

Step 1:

Step 2:

Two club leaders (and/or their designees) must:

  • Collect, review, organize and count all pledge forms and certificates.
  • Complete and sign the Student Club Kognito Contest Submission Form
  • Turn in all paperwork, in one submission only, to the Health Services Office AC2-274W

Tuesday, April 30th - Students, staff or faculty must turn in certificates to the club of their choice

Friday, May 3rd at 3 PM. - Club Advisors must turn in all contest paperwork and certificates they've collected to Health Services

Contest Rules

  1. There are six Kognito Training Modules – three faculty training modules (1. At-Risk, 2. LGBTQ, and 3. Veterans) and three student training modules (1. At-Risk, 2. LGBTQ, and 3. Veterans). The At-Risk module is the highest priority training for this contest. Completing at least one At-Risk module is mandatory before counting any additional module certificates.
    • Example 1: If a participant completes one At-Risk training, you can also count their LGBTQ and/or Veterans certificates in your total.
    • Example 2: If a participant ONLY completes an LGBTQ or/or Veterans training, but does NOT complete an At-Risk training, the LGBTQ and/or Veterans certificate(s) CANNOT be counted in the club total.
  2. Only certificates obtained from students, faculty or staff of Clovis Community College (or their relatives) are eligible for counting in this contest.
  3. Students, Faculty and Staff can complete any student or faculty module. You do not have to be faculty to complete a faculty module. You do not have to be a student to complete a student module. Therefore, it is possible for one individual participant to turn in 6 valid training certificates.
  4. If a participant completed Kognito training(s) in the past, the date of completion on the certificate(s) may be years prior to this event. You can still count certificates with older dates of completion in your club total.
  5. Participants cannot give their certificates to more than one club. There should be no duplicate certificates from any individual turned into the Health Office.


Winners will be announced at Spring Extravaganza on May 7, 2019.