Student Pathway 2021−2022 Physical Science AS-T

Physics Associate in Science Degree for Transfer

Physics is the experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena such as motion, matter, energy and the fundamental forces of nature. The study of physics enhances a student's problem-solving skills and provides a broad range of scientific and mathematical knowledge useful in many disciplines. The program at Clovis Community College prepares students for transfer in fields such as engineering, computer science, physics, chemistry, and pre-medicine. Topics covered include linear and rotational motion, forces, gravity, fluids, waves, sound, heat, electricity, magnetism, light and optics, the special theory of relativity, atomic and nuclear physics, and introductory quantum mechanics and the cosmos are also included.

A physics major degree generally transfers to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor’s degree. Physics graduates at the bachelors’ level are qualified for a variety of technical positions with government or industry, and they are also well prepared to enter a graduate program in any other science or in engineering. Physics majors are welcomed into professional programs such as law, business, or medicine. Teaching at the high school level with a bachelor’s degree or at a two-year college with a masters’ degree are additional career options for the physics major. For the physicist who obtains the Ph.D., experimental or theoretical research and/or teaching at the university level or basic research in government or industry are options for gainful employment.

Many four-year colleges and universities offer bachelor's degrees in physics. There are some systems and institutions that offer advanced degrees in physics. Requirements vary from system to system and from campus to campus for each level of degree. The advice of a counselor and consultation of institutional catalogs for specific information is highly recommended.

Program Contact: Dr. Anthony Abbott, Dr. Nader Inan | Program Counselor: Tasha Hutchings

Recommended Pathway

Semester 1:

Recommended Courses:
Course Number Course Title Units Advising/Action Notes
English 1A/1AH Reading and Composition 4 CSU GE A2 | IGETC 1A
Math 5A Math Analysis I 5 Major Course – CSU GE B4/IGETC 2 (Check with counselor for Math eligibility)
CSU GE A1 | IGETC 1C Oral Communication 3 Any CSU GE A1/ Communication 1 or Communication 2 advisable
Area E Lifelong Learning and Self-Development 3 Any Area E course: Psychology 2 recommended
Semester Units: 15
  • Explore transfer institutions and meet with Counselor to develop Student Educational Plan (SEP) and determine to follow the CSU GE or IGETC pattern
  • Math placement will be based on multi criteria; discussion with counselor
  • Area E is not required if following the IGETC general education pattern
  • Pursuing Education: Psychology 2 recommended for Area E
  • Physics 10 (Conceptual Physics) or Physics 2A could be taken as a preparation course up to Physics 4A if a student hasn’t had Physics in High School
  • Refer to for major requirements based on desired transfer institution

Semester 2:

Recommended Courses:
Course Number Course Title Units Advising/Action Notes
CSU GE A3 | IGETC 1B Critical Thinking 3 -
Math 5B Math Analysis II 4 Major Core – CSU GE B4 | IGETC 2
Physics 4A Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4 Major Core – CSU GE B1&B3 | IGETC 5A&5C
CSU GE C1 | IGETC 3A Arts 3 Student choice
Biology 10 or
Anthropology 1
Intro to Life Science (No Lab)
Biological Anthropology (No Lab)
3 CSU GE B2/IGETC 5B – A lab is not needed since it will be satisfied with Physics 4A
Semester Units: 14
  • Meet with Counselor to ensure you are on track and make any updates needed to your SEP
  • Utilize tutorial services

Semester 3:

Recommended Courses:
Course Number Course Title Units Advising/Action Notes
Math 6 Math Analysis III 5 Major Core – CSU GE B4 | IGETC 2
Physics 4B Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4 Major Core – CSU GE B1&B3 | IGETC 5A&5C
CSU GE C2 | IGETC 3B Humanities 3 Student Choice
History 11 or 12/12H United States History 3 CSU GE C2/IGETC 3B - CSU Graduation Requirement
Semester Units: 15

Consider taking a GE course over summer to reduce the academic load during the next semester

  • Apply to Transfer schools

    CSU: 10/1-11/30 | UC: 11/1-11/30 | Privates: Dates Vary

Semester 4

Recommended Courses:
Course Number Course Title Units Advising/Action Notes
Physics 4C Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4 Major Core – CSU GE B1&B3 | IGETC 5A&5C
Political Science 2/2H American Government 3 CSU GE D | IGETC 4 – CSU graduation requirement
CSU GE D | IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 Economics 1A or 1B recommended
(summer course)
CSU GE Area F Ethnic Studies 3 See Counselor for Recommendations
Math 17 Differential Equations 5 Suggested for elective for Physics major
Semester Units: 18
  • Apply for degree and Certificate: January - February
  • Check student portals for transfer schools that you've applied to regularly - Don't miss any important deadlines!

Things to Think About

  • Join the Engineering Club
  • Research Summer internships – NSF – check with Dr. Abbott
  • Utilize tutorial services
  • Plan may need to be extended beyond two years if math placement is lower than Math 5A