Student Pathway 2020−2021 Physical Education - AA
Physical Education Associate in Arts Degree
The student who completes the requirements for an AA degree in Physical Education will identify effective pedagogical techniques for primary and secondary students. The student will demonstrate a basic knowledge of human anatomy and the treatment of common sports/ fitness related injuries. The student will have practical experience in a breadth of activities, such as intercollegiate sports, swimming, racquet sports, and fitness activities like weight training and aerobic dance.
Program Contact: Becky Allen, Orlando Ramirez | Program Counselor: Karie Hannigan
This map is meant to be used as a tool in discussions with your counselor towards creation of your personalized Student Education Plan (SEP)
Recommended Pathway
Semester 1:
Course Number | Course Title | Units | Advising/Action Notes |
Kinesiology 22 | Introduction to Kinesiology | 3 | Major core course option, provides opportunity to explore Kinesiology and Physical Education careers |
PE 15 or 29 | Physical Education Activity course – choose one | 1 | Major core course option & CCC General Education Area EI |
Psychology 2/2H or Sociology 1A | General Psychology or Introduction to Sociology | 3 | CCC General Education - Area B or pick any course option from Area B |
English 1A/1AH | Reading and Composition | 4 | CCC General Education Area DI & Competence Requirement |
Counseling 53 or Interdisciplinary Studies 50 | College and Life Management or College Success | 3 | CCC General Education - Area EII course option or pick any transferable course #1-99 |
Semester Units: 14 |
- Explore Kinesiology/Physical Education careers and minimum qualifications; utilize Career Resource Center
- Meet with Counselor to develop Student Educational Plan (SEP) based on your specific education and career goals
Semester 2:
Course Number | Course Title | Units | Advising/Action Notes |
Health 1 | Contemporary Health Issues | 3 | Major core course option |
PE 15 or 29 | Physical Education Activity course – choose one not already taken | 1 | Major core course option |
Biology 5 | Human Biology | 4 | CCC General Education Area A & Required Major core course |
Math 103 or Math 11 | Intermediate Algebra or Elementary Statistics | 4-5 | CCC General Education Competency, consult counselor to make course selection |
Elective | Degree applicable elective course | 3 | Pick any course numbered 1-199 |
Semester Units: 15-16 |
- Conduct career informational interviews with individuals in Kinesiology/Physical Education careers
- Meet with Counselor to ensure you are on track and make any updates needed to your SEP
Semester 3:
Course Number | Course Title | Units | Advising/Action Notes |
CCC General Education - Area C | Humanities | 3 | Select 1 course from CCC General Education - Area C |
PE course | PE activity course – choose one not already taken | 1 | Major core course |
CCC General Education - Area G | Communication | 3 | Select 1 course from CCC General Education Area G, also fulfills Area DII |
Health 2 | Health & Safety | 3 | Major core class option, obtain CPR and First Aid certification |
Kinesiology 20 | Athletic Training | 3 | Degree applicable elective course or pick any course numbered 1-199 |
Elective | Degree applicable elective course | 3 | Pick any course numbered 1-199 |
Semester Units: 16 |
- Consider taking courses for the elective choices that compliment your career goal
Semester 4:
Course Number | Course Title | Units | Advising/Action Notes |
Food/Nutrition 35 | Nutrition & Health | 3 | CCC General Education - Area EII course option or pick any transferable course #1-99 |
Political Science 2 | American Government | 3 | CCC General Education - Area F |
Information Systems 15, Art 30A, or Art 37A | Computer Concepts or Illustrator or Photoshop | 3 | CCC General Education - Digital Technology Literacy, suggested course listed or pick any class from options |
Elective | Degree applicable elective course | 3 | Pick any course numbered 1-199 |
Elective | Degree applicable elective course | 3 | Pick any course numbered 1-199 |
Semester Units: 15 |
- Apply for degree and Certificate: January - February
Note: Completing the courses planned for Associate of Arts in Physical Education may not fully prepare a student to transfer to a four-year university
**Please Note – Both the CSU General Education Pattern or the IGETC Pattern will also meet the General Education Requirements for the Degree.