Student Pathway 2021−2022 Associate Teacher – CA

Associate Teacher – Certificate of Achievement C.561Q.CA

This certificate provides the educational coursework that serves as the core curriculum for the early childhood education field and allows the student to work as a teacher in a private early care and education program. The student is also eligible to apply to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the Associate Teacher Child Development Permit, an individual can work as an assistant or associate teacher in a publicly funded (Title 5) early care and education program.

Program Contact: Elizabeth Romero, Sallie Turpen, Heather Boynton | Program Counselor: Rachel Moring-Garcia

Recommended Pathway

Semester 1:

Recommended Courses:
Course Number Course Title Units Advising/Action Notes
ECE1/Chdev 1 Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children 3 Major Core
ECE 2/Chdev 39 Child Growth and Development 3 Major Core
CCC General Education – Area B
ECE 3/Chdev 3 Introduction to Curriculum* 3 Major Core - Class has lab at campus lab school (18 hours)
Verification of Immunization against influenza, pertussis, and measles, and freedom from tuberculosis.
ECE 4/Chdev 30 Child, Family and Community 3 Major Core CSU GE Area D | IGETC Area 4
Chdev 19V - 3 Must meet with Faculty for approval of enrollment in this course
Semester Units: 15

**Before pursuing this certificate – check with Faculty