Monthly Board Highlights - December 2020

Board Meeting Notes December 15, 2020

If you were unable to attend the December 15, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting, here are some of the actions that took place.

The Board heard the following reports and presentations:

  • College Presidents’ Reports (written)
  • Academic Senate Report by Cynthia Elliott (written)
  • Classified Senate Report by Caryss Johnson (written)
  • COVID-19 Update by Darren Cousineau
  • Service by Outgoing Board President John Leal & former trustee Eric Payne

The Board held:

Election of Officers

  • President - Trustee Annalisa Perea
  • Vice President - Trustee Magdalena Gomez
  • Secretary - Trustee Nasreen Johnson

Board Policies:


  • BP 3433, Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
  • BP 3540, Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
  • BP 4235, Credit for Prior Learning
  • BP 5130, Financial Aid
  • BP 6900, Bookstores

First Read

BP 5035 Withholding of Student RecordsPublic Hearing and Adoption:
Resolution 2020.39, Authorize easement to PG & E at the new FCC Parking Structure

Approved the following

  • Academic Personnel Transactions as presented with revisions
  • Classified Personnel Transactions as presented
  • Credit for Prior Learning Certification in accordance with Title 5
  • Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, and Fall 2022 Curriculum proposals
  • Madera Department of Social Services contract
  • Continue using the same Board self-evaluation instrument and process with Dr. Mitch Rosenberg and Ms. Erin Hastey


  • 2022-2023 Instructional Calendar
  • 2021 Board meeting calendar (first Tuesday except for December)
  • Resolution 2020.42, Authorizing Establishment of Treasury Management Services and ACH Agreement, Madera Community College

Approved the following Grant Agreements:

Fresno City College has received a new $99,704 agreement from San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for nine new alternative fuel vehicles for Health Science, Technology Services, and Building Services.

The Training Institute has received a new $146,666 subagreement from the College of the Sequoias. This U.S. Dept of Agriculture will provide training, education, outreach and coordination to enhance small and mid-sized farms, processors, and wholesalers competitiveness by ensuring compliance to the Food Safety Modernization Act.

Clovis Community College has received a $15,000 agreement from Foothill-De Anza Community College District on behalf of the California Virtual Campus Online Education Initiative. The funding will provide resources to support postimplementation activities, including conducting college-wide analysis of the programmatic gaps and opportunities to improve online student success.

Report of Actions Taken in Closed Session:

On March 10, 2020, the Board of Trustees of the State Center Community College District, unanimously took action to terminate a permanent Custodian at Fresno City College. On November 17, 2020, the State Center Community College District Personnel Commission upheld the termination of that classified employee. The Board’s action has now become final.

You can read more details on our website:

December 15, 2020, Board Agenda