Monthly Board Highlights - December 2018

If you were unable to attend the December 11, 2018 Board of Trustees meeting, here are some of the actions that took place.

A Swearing in Ceremony was held for the new Trustees. Annalisa Perea was sworn in by her father and Magdalena Gomez was sworn in by her brother.

The Board had an election of officers. Trustee Deborah J. Ikeda is president, Trustee Eric Payne is vice president and Trustee Annalisa Perea is secretary.

The Board heard the following reports and updates:

  • Academic Senate Report by Stephanie Curry
  • Classified Senate Report by Susi Nitzel

Adoption of the following Board Policies:

  • BP 2432 Chancellor Succession
  • BP 7140 Collective Bargaining
  • BP 7260 Classified Administrators, Supervisors and Managers
  • BP 7335 Health Examinations
  • BP 7345 Catastrophic Leave Program
  • BP 7385 Salary Deductions
  • BP 7400 Travel

Approval of the following:

  • Academic personnel transactions, as submitted
  • Classified personnel transactions, as submitted
  • Madera Community College Center Eligibility Report
  • Three contracts in the total amount of $365,059 to Central Valley Asphalt, American Incorporated, and Power Systems Testing Company for installation of a new entrance to Parking Lot A on Manning Avenue and a cooling tower replacement at Reedley College plus electrical switch gear maintenance at Fresno City College
  • Contract increase of $450,000 to BMY Construction Group, Inc. for improvements to the new District Office which includes substantial mechanical work and repair to the second floor HVAC Award of $655,000 to American Paving Company for sidewalk and fencing improvements at FCC’s Euless Park and Ratcliffe Stadium
  • An amendment extending the term to 40-years to the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with Kings Canyon Unified School District for the Reedley Middle College High School
  • The Fresno City College, Reedley College and Clovis Community College curriculum proposals, as submitted
  • The 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 instructional calendars for Fresno City College, Reedley College, and Clovis Community College
  • Acceptance of Fire Suppression work in the Main Data Room at Madera Community College Center as a completed construction project
  • A Resolution of Intention for the Peace Officers’ Association to provide a CalPERS safety retirement benefit effective February 1, 2019
  • Held a Public Hearing on the District’s intention to convey property to the City of Clovis across the street from the campus

Approved the following grant agreement recommendations:

The Madera and Oakhurst Community College Centers received $84,365 from the U.S.

Department of Agriculture to create new Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) distance learning classrooms. The funding will provide presentation systems with cameras, displays, and software to suit STEM instructional needs and to enhance the interactive aspects of remote teaching and learning.

Oakhurst Community College Center has been awarded a new $5,000 agreement from the Foundation for Rural Service. It will provide distance learning options, including linking the Madera and Oakhurst Community College Centers with state-of-the-art distance learning technology.

The report from Closed Session included:

Trustees voted unanimously to terminate a custodian. The time for appeal passed and the employee had not filed an appeal.

You can read more December 11, 2018 agenda details on our website.