February 2025
We recognize that some staff and students may be experiencing concern or anxiety right now. Via emailed communication to students, staff, and faculty, CCC affirmed our commitment to the well-being and education of all our students, including our undocumented students, our students of the LGBTQ+ community, and any staff and students feeling vulnerable at this time.
December 2024
Thank you to all the students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community members that donated towards this year’s #GivingTuesday total of $33,022.00. We are grateful for all who donated to support student scholarships, and the Associated Student Government (ASG).
November 2024
Various awareness months celebrated in October including LGBTQ+ History Month, Disability Awareness Month, Undocumented Student Action Week, and Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
October 2024
We are excited to hold the Ribbon Cutting ceremony on October 9. The Clovis Chamber of Commerce will be on hand, along with employees and the community, to officially cut the ribbon to our new building.
September 2024
Opening Day was held on August 8, and everyone was excited to start the new semester. We continue to work together, in Clovis Crush style, to stay flexible, and to find innovative ways to support each other and our students. Interim President Dr. Monica Chahal shared her vision and goals.
June 2024
Nearly 400 graduates participated in the 9th Annual Commencement Ceremony on May 17 at Clovis Community College. About 2,618 students are eligible for degree/certificate conferral which are being processed by Admissions and Records. Hend Ali served as the Class of 2024 Student Speaker.
May 2024
The inaugural “Crush-to-Bulldog” transfer recognition ceremony celebrated the 324 students that have been accepted and registered at Fresno State this Fall. Fresno State accepted 705 students in total. The keynote student speaker was Carlos Brito (Transfer Student/Criminology major); along with President Dr. Armstrong; and Terree Stevenson, Associate VP Student Affairs/Dean of Students at Fresno State. Congratulations to CCC students Shane Armstrong, Jesse Allen, and Hailey Xu who all received a $1000.00 scholarship from Fresno State.
April 2024
CCC celebrates Asian American and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Month. Various cultural events are planned in April to honor Asian American and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month as it is a time to reflect upon and celebrate the remarkable role of the AANHPI community in our nation’s history. Events kicked off March 20 with guest speaker Dr. Catherine Ceniza Choy, award-winning historian, author and professor of ethnic studies at UC Berkeley and on March 22 with the Holi Festival of Colors, which celebrates the beginning of Spring. View the various events, all welcome.
March 2024
Instructors utilize the Starfish Early Alert System to support student success the Early Alert Program promotes student success by improving communication between students, instructors, and student support programs. Instructors initiate referrals and/or kudos, which play a critical role in student success by notifying counselors to connect with students having academic difficulties to inform them about support services to help them be successful with their educational goals. In Fall of 2023, a total of 3,422 items were raised which includes 2,114 kudos, 1,254 flags and 54 referrals. Congratulations to Criminology Instructor Dennis Montejano and the English discipline who were our most active instructor/discipline for Fall of 2023.
February 2024
President Armstrong provided a wonderful college update on the Jan. 4 Opening Day along with department updates from Administrative Services, Instruction, Student Services, Academic Senate and the Classified Senate. The “TNT” award is a Senate and faculty driven accolade that aims to illuminate, appreciate, and honor outstanding individuals whose meaningful work, above, beyond, behind, and between the scenes, is often overlooked, unheralded, and interstitial areas, makes a very real difference in all our lives at our college. This year’s honorees are the Art Department and the Library for their outstanding commitment and dedication to serving our students.