Week of August 19, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you, all, for a fantastic start to the fall semester! Enrollment is up at Clovis, and we have exceeded our fall target by almost 4%, the parking lots are full, and the hallways of all three buildings are full of people and lively conversations! AC3 finishing touches are ongoing and will be for some time, so a special thank you to those who are using the spaces while this work continues. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

City of Clovis

As I settled into my new routine in this role, my schedule of meetings took me to new spaces with new people. This schedule now includes Clovis City Council meetings where my presence will allow us to continue to forge relationships with city officials and keep apprised of matters important to the community we serve. I will be meeting in weeks ahead with some staff to discuss possibilities for collaboration and will keep you informed of those efforts.


We welcomed CUSD CTE faculty to our campus last Thursday thanks to Ruben Diaz. It was a staff development activity for them but a chance for us to welcome them on our campus and introduce them to some of our staff and our spaces. They seemed pleased with AC3 (and I may have offered up Ruben to provide tours to all)! I believe some of them were able to follow up on pathways conversations with Megan Bennett, so this proved to be a good opportunity to connect the right people.

Campus Transitions

This morning, an email went out college-wide announcing the appointments of two key positions on our campus: James Ortez as Vice President of Instruction and Teresa Mendes as Dean of Instruction (Humanities and Athletics). The two of them are already working on a plan to ensure that Teresa’s students will have the support and information needed in their adjustment to new teachers. I am grateful that both are willing to step into these roles and know that you will help me provide the support they need during this transition.


Some of you have asked about parking enforcement. The SCCCD Police Department provides warning notices during the first two weeks of classes to vehicles parked in reserved parking spaces without proper decals. The warning notice is left on the windshield of the car. Cars caught a second time parking in reserved spaces without proper decals will be cited. I was assured that cadets are patrolling parking lots to keep abreast of the problem.

Have a great week!

Monica Chahal, Ed.D.