
Primary Logo

The primary logo should be the first choice used in any marketing or promotional material. Only use the alternative formats when it is necessary for the production process.

Clovis Community College Full Color Primary Logo

Clovis Community College Primary Logo

PNG (Primary Full Color) | PNG (Primary White) | PNG (Primary Black & White) | PNG (Primary Grayscale) | SVG (Primary Full Color)

Alternate Logo Configurations

Please make every effort to use the primary logo when possible. However, situations arise when that isn’t possible. Below are two approved configurations of the logo, allowing additional flexibility in your design. do not create or alter the logos other than those outlined below*. Any other configurations are unacceptable.

The CCC logo in full color on one line

Clovis Community College Logo One Line

PNG (One Line Full Color) | PNG (One Line White) | SVG (One Line Black and White) | SVG (One LIne grayscale)SVG (One Line Full Color) 


One Line Centered

PNG (One Line Centered Full Color) | SVG (One Line Centered Black and White) | SVG (One Line Centered Grayscale) | SVG (One Line Centered White | SVG (One Line Centered Full Color)

Official College Seal

The Clovis Community College logo is the primary symbol in the Institute’s graphic identity and should be used on all brochures, business cards, stationery, websites, and all CCC publications. The official college seal is a historical symbol that should be reserved for ceremonial use, diplomas, official transcripts, and formal documents related to the CCC Commencement. The logo and seal may not be used together.

Clovis Community College Official Seal

JPG (CCC Seal Full Color) | SVG (CCC Seal Full Color) | SVG (CCC Seal Black)

Primary Athletic Logo

The primary Clovis Crush athletics logo is composed of the Crush bull icon stacked on the custom typeface “Clovis Crush.” The primary logo is always to appear in this configuration and adhere to the color guidelines as indicated in this guide.

When the primary Clovis Crush athletics logo is placed on a black background, the alternate “Outlined” version is to be used.

Crush Logo

PNG (Primary Athletics Logo) | PNG (Primary Athletics Logo Outlined) | SVG Primary Athletics Logo | SVG (Primary Athletics Logo Outlined)