Dr Bennett's Newsletter - September 2018
President’s Message
Now that the fall semester is fully underway, it is fun to see the flurry of activity. Club Rush was a big hit. I enjoyed talking with our students and continued to be impressed by their dedication and support for each other. It is also touching to see our employees and students participate in Live Like Molly week which always reminds us that kindness truly makes a difference.
Over the past month, there has been a lot going on in our community. I had the pleasure of presenting to the SCCC Foundation and am pleased to let you know that they will be funding the purchase of a portable athletics scoreboard. SCCCD Trustee Debbie Ikeda was honored at the Women’s Equality Dinner for the tremendous amount of work she has done for our community. I presented to the East Fresno Kiwanis Club, one of the clubs that hosts the Torch of Excellence event each year, and the Fresno County Board of Supervisors. I also had the honor of attending the State of the Children Breakfast which raises money for the Fresno Area Children’s Movement.
As always, thank you for everything you do. Let’s make this a great semester!
Budget Update/New Funding Model
From Lorrie Hopper, Vice President of Administrative Services
California Community College’s Student Centered Funding Formula for 2018-19 includes three components:
- Base Allocation 70%
- Supplemental Allocation 20%
- Student Success Allocation 10%
The base allocation includes funding for FTES, funding for colleges based on size and funding for centers.
The Supplemental Allocation includes the number of students who qualify for the PELL Grant, the AB 540 grant and the California Promise Grant (former BOGG fee waiver).
The Student Success Allocation takes into account many measures of success.
Each measure is funded at a different dollar amount with Associate Degrees for Transfer valued highest followed by Associate Degrees, Credit Certificates, Nine or more CTE units, Transfer, Transfer level Math and English and Regional Living Wage.
It is estimated that this new formula will provide $13.6 million in additional funds to our district. Needs that may be addressed with new funding include: scheduled maintenance, total cost of ownership for new buildings, potential new faculty and staff and campus equipment and technology. Allocations to the colleges will occur after our staffing requests are ranked and submitted for consideration.
New Funding Formula Webinar Series
- Update on Implementation Plus the Nuts and Bolts
September 13, 2018, 10:30-12:00 - Deep Dive into Data
October 9, 2018, 2:00 – 3:30 pm - Information on Local Goals
November 5, 2018, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Accreditation Next Steps
from Accreditation Co-Chair Jennifer Simonson
At its June meeting, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) reaffirmed Clovis Community College’s accreditation for seven years. The ACCJC is also requiring CCC to submit a Follow-Up Report, which is due by October 1, 2019. In the Follow-Up Report, the College is required to address two District Recommendations for compliance:
Standards III.A.5 (District Recommendation 2): In order to meet the standard, the team recommends that the District ensure all personnel are systematically evaluated at stated intervals in accordance with the bargaining agreements and Board Policies.
Standards III.C.2 (District Recommendation 3): In order to meet the standard, the team recommends that the District implement an administrative program review process to inform District planning efforts for technology.
FCC and RC are required to address these two District Recommendations as well. The District Human Resources Department is working with the district-wide management team to address District Recommendation 2, and the District Technology Advisory Committee is working with a consultant to address District Recommendation 3.
Accreditation efforts are ongoing at CCC. Throughout the next several years, the College is working on implementing its two Quality Focus Essay (QFE) Projects: Project #1—Strengthening the Use of Data in Decision Making and Project #2—Building the Infrastructure for the Distance Education Program to Ensure Continued Success. CCC is also monitoring work on the Improvement Recommendations in the 2018 External Evaluation Report. The College will report on both the QFE Projects and the Improvement Recommendations in its Midterm Report to ACCJC in 2022.
President’s Breakfast Details
Our Inaugural President’s Breakfast is almost here! We will host nearly 300 attendees on September 19 at the Clovis Veterans Memorial District. I look forward to showcasing our amazing college. We hope our community gains a sincere appreciation of our commitment to excellence and our innovative, inspiring culture. If you are interested in attending, please contact Emilie Gerety. The doors will open at 7:00 a.m. and the program starts at 7:30 a.m. We are offering employees tickets at a discounted rate of $25.00 (to cover costs).
Scholarship Night
This Friday, September 7, we will host our Annual Scholarship Reception. Thanks to your efforts during last year’s Giving Tuesday campaign, we doubled the number of scholarships we will be awarding this year. Thank you for being so dedicated to our students!
Group Photo from Scholarship Night 2017
August New Hires
A Closer Look: Crush Athletics on the Rise
CCC Scholar Athletes
Once a year, the Kiwanis Clubs of Fresno-Madera Counties host the Torch of Excellence event to recognize athletes who have excelled in their academic endeavors within the State Center Community College District. It is an exciting evening that leaves me overwhelmed with pride. I encourage you to read through the list of names below. These are our student-athletes and I hope you are proud of the work you are doing to contribute to their success.
CCC Torchlighters (3.5 GPA & Higher)
- Lauren Barcelos, Swim & Dive
- Sydnee Baxter, Soccer
- Nicole Bruno, Swim & Dive
- Christian Cline, Soccer
- Sarah “Danae” Condra, Soccer
- Jose Cortez, Soccer
- Brandon Goldman, Soccer
- Kalina Goodarzi, Soccer
- Lauren Holden, Swim & Dive
- Audrey Jimenez, Soccer
- Makenna La Blue, Swim & Dive
- Keelia Lancaster, Swim & Dive
- Logan Loll, Swim & Dive
- Brooke Lutz, Swim & Dive
- Andrew Overstreet, Swim & Dive
- Rylee Radke, Swim & Dive
- Halle Sembritzki, Soccer
- Megan Smith, Swim & Dive
- Elisa Soderholm, Soccer
- Marie Tejeda, Soccer
- Katrina Thompson, Soccer
CCC Scholar Athletes (3.0 to 3.49)
- Nicholas Anderson, Swim & Dive
- Diego Banda, Soccer
- Sergio Cazarez, Soccer
- Juan Gonzalez, Soccer
- Sergio Gonzalez, Soccer
- Dylan Her, Soccer
- James Hernandez, Soccer
- Chaianne Jones, Soccer
- Hailey Kinter, Swim & Dive
- Jose Mendoza, Soccer
- Esmeralda Sandoval, Soccer
- Maricela Soto, Soccer
- Julian Torres, Soccer
- Vanessa Torres, Soccer
- Annika Van Beurden, Soccer
- Joshua VonBerg, Soccer
Introducing our New Cross Country Coach
This fall, we added Cross Country to the list of sports offered at CCC. The team will be led by Coach CJ Albertson who was born and raised in Fresno. He attended Buchanan High School where he was part of seven team Valley Championships (4 in Track, 3 in Cross Country) and was a Central Section Individual Champion in both Cross Country and Track. In college, Coach Albertson placed 3rd in the Pac-12 in the Steeplechase. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Exercise and wellness and graduated with a 4.0 GPA. He was named an Academic All-American and Pac-12 Track and Field Student Athlete of the Year. Please join me in welcoming Coach Anderson!
Coach C.J. Albertson
Visit gocloviscrush.com for more information on the cross country schedule and results of the season.
Central Valley Latino Leadership Academy
In August, the Central Valley Latino Leadership Academy celebrated the graduation of their inaugural cohort of participants. The group included CCC Spanish Instructor Dr. Daniel Gutierrez and Evaluator Linda Garcia. The Academy provided fellows with tools to help them analyze and elevate their personal and collective leadership potential with the ultimate goal of serving on local, county or state boards and commissions. Please join me in congratulating our Clovis Community College leaders.
Academic Senate Update
Academic Senate held their first meeting on August 28 where members received training on their roles and responsibilities. The English department provided an update on AB 705 and impacts on English placement. We will be working on Guided Pathways throughout the year.
Associated Student Government Update
The Clovis ASG has been very busy this Fall semester! We have been focusing on making sure our students are starting their Fall Semester strong by assisting with CRUSH Days, Molly Week, and our Club Rushes. Clovis ASG is excited to continue representing the students of CCC and we have many events already planned for September.
Classified Senate Update
Clovis Classified Senate has always given out a scholarship at the beginning of the year and this year we are renaming our scholarship to the Linda Little perseverance scholarship. Linda Little is a retired Clovis classified employee (former assistant to the president) and her story of perseverance is an inspiring one and we invite you to hear it at the scholarship ceremony this Friday September 7th at 6pm in AC1-150
We will be planning for our Taco sale fundraiser for the upcoming ROCKTOBERFEST Wednesday, October 10th from 11am-1pm. Mark that on your calendar to join us!
Event Calendar
- September 6: Budget/New Program Update Town Hall, AC2 276 | 2:00 pm-3:00 pm
- September 7: Mini Grant applications Due
- September 7: Scholarship Awards Ceremony, AC1 150 | 6:00 pm
- September 12: Lunch with Lori, AC2 276 | 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
- September 19: President’s Breakfast, CVMD Building | 7:00 am – 9:00 am
- September 19: President’s Open Office Hour | 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
- September 20: Staying OnCourse in a Diverse World, Herndon | All Day
- September 20-21 OnCourse for Online Instructors, Herndon All Day
- October 2: Board of Trustees Meeting, MCCC | 4:30 pm
- October 10: Rocktoberfest, Main Campus | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
- October 17: Fall Fest, Herndon Campus | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Have a highlight to add? Please contact:
Stephanie Babb | stephanie.babb@cloviscollege.edu
Emilie Gerety | emilie.gerety@cloviscollege.edu